Update: January 19, 2018
Intent to Award
Update: December 5, 2017
Questions & Answers: These are answers to questions submitted for this solicitation from potential bidders.
Update: November 21, 2017
Los Angeles, CA Pre-Bid Meeting attendees sign in sheet
Sacramento, CA Pre-Bid Meeting attendees sign in sheet
San Francisco, CA Pre-Bid Meeting attendees sign in sheet
The Judicial Branch of California is a co-equal part of California government; independent from the executive and legislative branches. The Judicial Branch includes the Superior Courts and Appellate Courts of California, as well as the Supreme Court of California. A part of the Judicial Branch is the Judicial Council, chaired by the Chief Justice of California. The Judicial Council is the primary policy making body of the California judicial system. The Judicial Council of California is the staff agency of the Judicial Council. The Facilities Services office is the division of the Judicial Council of California responsible for the planning, design, construction, real estate and asset management of facilities for the court system of California.
Pursuant to the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002 (SB 1732), ownership of and responsibility for most superior court facilities in California has shifted from the counties to the state. Many of the existing facilities require repairs or modifications.
The Judicial Council of California has selected Job Order Contracting (JOC) as a means of completing facility repair, alteration, and minor new construction projects. JOC is a proven procurement technique that enables facility owners to accomplish a large number of small to medium-sized projects via individual contracts based on Proposals that are competitively evaluated and awarded. JOC Contracting utilizes a set of customized, pre-priced construction tasks as its basis for describing the work and setting pricing. JOC eliminates the time, expense, and staff burden of completing the normal design-bid-construct cycle for each project and delivers quality construction and complete transparency to facility owners more quickly and cost effectively.
The scope of Judicial Council of California’s this RFP is to solicit for Contractors who will provide facility modification services (“Services”) to the California Courts located in fourteen (14) JOC Zones See Table Number 1 located contiguously geographically, via the Job Order Contracting (“JOC”) methodology.
Questions regarding the RFP should be submitted in writing to the Judicial Council of California via CapitalProgramSolicitations@jud.ca.gov on November 29, 2017, by end of business day.
Proposals must be received by no later than 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on December 18, 2017.
Hard copies of proposals must be delivered to:
Judicial Council of California
Attn.: Lenore Fraga-Roberts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Further details regarding this solicitation and work requirements are set forth in the RFP Number: FSO-JOC-Services-2017-08-JP and the related documents listed below:
Attachment A - Administrative Rules Form
Attachment B - DVBE Participation Form
Attachment C - Unruh Act Certificate
Attachment D - Payee Data Record
Attachment E - Proposer's Acceptance
Attachment F - Standard Agreement
Attachment G - General Certifications Form
Attachment H - Darfur Certification Form
Attachment I - Internal Background Check Policy
Attachment J - Questions and Answers
Attachment K - Bidder's Declaration
Attachment L - Requirements for Proposal Submission
Attachment N - Map of JOC Zones
Attachment O - Bonding Requirements and Safety Records
Attachment P - Non-Collusion Affidavit
Attachment Q - Security Badging Policy
Attachment R - Tool Control Policy
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.