Welcome to the California Courts
The largest judicial system in the country, bringing equal access to justice for all Californians.
Serving California Courts
The Judicial Council
Learn about the policymaking body of the California courts, its members, attend meetings, and more.
Advisory Bodies
The Judicial Council fulfills its mission through committees and task forces. Attend open meetings, learn about members, and initiatives.
Offices & Divisions
Learn more about the judicial council, advisory bodies meetings, and judicial council staff itself.
Invitations to Comment
The council values and regularly seeks public comment on proposals related to judicial administration. Click for the latest proposals.
Court-Related Legislation
Search by topic for active legislation that affects the courts or is of general interest to the courts.
Research & Data
See how the Judicial Branch uses statistics, analytics, and research to provide data-informed reports.
Find Your Court
Pay traffic violations, access jury information, find a local self-help desk, and much more.
Popular Links
Judicial Council programs and activities are designed to enhance the quality of justice in California's courts.
For Families & Children
Learn about programs that serve the diverse needs of children, youth, parents, families, and other users of the California courts.
Collaborative Justice Courts
Collaborative justice courts take a team approach to decision making, integrating social, judicial, and community resources.
Criminal Justice Programs
Managing Criminal Justice initiatives for the benefit of California courts, justice partners, and the public.
Court Outreach
Local court outreach efforts and the statewide Power of Democracy Civic Learning initiative aim to educate the public about the judicial branch.
Looking for the Self-Help Guide?
Californians looking for information on case types or to represent themselves in court can find step-by-step instructions, court forms, and other resources on the Self-Help Guide.
Of Current Interest
Chief Justice of California
Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero was sworn into office on January 2, 2023, making history as the first Latina to serve as California’s Chief Justice.