Division 1. Judicial Council
Chapter 1. The Judicial Council and Internal Committees
- Rule 10.1. Authority, duties, and goals of the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.2. Judicial Council membership and terms
- Rule 10.3. Nonvoting members
- Rule 10.4. Nominations and appointments to the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.5. Notice and agenda of council meetings
- Rule 10.6. Judicial Council meetings
- Rule 10.10. Judicial Council internal committees
- Rule 10.11. Executive and Planning Committee
- Rule 10.12. Legislation Committee
- Rule 10.13. Rules Committee
- Rule 10.14. Litigation Management Committee
- Rule 10.15. Judicial Branch Budget Committee
- Rule 10.16. Technology Committee
- Rule 10.20. Proposals for new or amended rules, standards, or forms; rule-making process in general
- Rule 10.21. Proposals from members of the public for changes to rules, standards, or forms
- Rule 10.22. Rule-making procedures
Chapter 2. Judicial Council Advisory Committees and Task Forces
- Rule 10.30. Judicial Council advisory bodies
- Rule 10.31. Advisory committee membership and terms
- Rule 10.32. Nominations and appointments to advisory committees
- Rule 10.33. Advisory committee meetings
- Rule 10.34. Duties and responsibilities of advisory committees
- Rule 10.40. Appellate Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.41. Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.42. Criminal Law Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.43. Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.44. Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.46. Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.48. Court Executives Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.49. Conference of Court Executives [Repealed]
- Rule 10.50. Center for Judicial Education and Research Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.51. Court Interpreters Advisory Panel
- Rule 10.52. Administrative Presiding Justices Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.53. Information Technology Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.54. Traffic Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.55. Advisory Committee on Providing Access and Fairness
- Rule 10.56. Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.58. Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions
- Rule 10.59. Advisory Committee on Criminal Jury Instructions
- Rule 10.60. Tribal Court-State Court Forum
- Rule 10.61. Court Security Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.62. Court Facilities Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.63. Advisory Committee on Audits and Financial Accountability for the Judicial Branch
- Rule 10.64. Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.65. Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.66. Workload Assessment Advisory Committee [Repealed]
- Rule 10.67. Judicial Branch Workers' Compensation Program Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.68. Data Analytics Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.70. Task forces, working groups, and other advisory bodies
Chapter 3. Judicial Council Advisory Body Meetings
Chapter 4. Judicial Council staff
Division 2. Administration of the Judicial Branch
Chapter 1. Budget and Fiscal Management
- Rule 10.101. Role of the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.102. Acceptance of gifts
- Rule 10.103. Limitation on intrabranch contracting
- Rule 10.104. Limitation on contracting with former employees
- Rule 10.105. Allocation of new fee, fine, and forfeiture revenue
- Rule 10.106. Judicial branch travel expense reimbursement policy
- Rule 10.107. Trial Court Budget Working Group [Repealed]
Chapter 2. Court Security
Chapter 3. Court Facilities
- Rule 10.180. Court facilities standards
- Rule 10.181. Court facilities policies, procedures, and standards
- Rule 10.182. Operation and maintenance of court facilities
- Rule 10.183. Decision making on transfer of responsibility for trial court facilities
- Rule 10.184. Acquisition, space programming, construction, and design of court facilities
Chapter 4. Management of Claims and Litigation
Chapter 5. Management of Human Resources
Chapter 6. Court Technology, Information, and Automation
Chapter 7. Minimum Education Requirements, Expectations, and Recommendations
- Rule 10.451. Judicial branch education
- Rule 10.452. Minimum education requirements, expectations, and recommendations
- Rule 10.455. Ethics orientation for Judicial Council members and for judicial branch employees required to file a statement of economic interests
- Rule 10.461. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal justices
- Rule 10.462. Minimum education requirements and expectations for trial court judges and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.463. Education requirements for family court judges and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.464. Education requirements and expectations for judges and subordinate judicial officers on domestic violence issues
- Rule 10.465. Education requirements and recommendations for justices, judges, and subordinate judicial officers on fairness and access
- Rule 10.468. Content-based and hours-based education for superior court judges and subordinate judicial officers regularly assigned to hear probate proceedings
- Rule 10.469. Judicial education recommendations for justices, judges, and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.471. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal clerks/executive officers
- Rule 10.472. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal managing attorneys, supervisors, and other personnel
- Rule 10.473. Minimum education requirements for trial court executive officers
- Rule 10.474. Trial court managers, supervisors, and other personnel
- Rule 10.478. Content-based and hours-based education for court investigators, probate attorneys, and probate examiners
- Rule 10.479. Education recommendations for appellate and trial court personnel
- Rule 10.481. Approved providers; approved course criteria
- Rule 10.491. Minimum education requirements for Judicial Council employees
- Rule 10.492. Temporary extension and pro rata reduction of judicial branch education requirements
- Rule 10.493. Instructor-led training
Division 3. Judicial Administration Rules Applicable to All Courts
Division 4. Trial Court Administration
Chapter 1. General Rules on Trial Court Management
- Rule 10.601. Superior court management
- Rule 10.602. Selection and term of presiding judge
- Rule 10.603. Authority and duties of presiding judge
- Rule 10.605. Executive committee
- Rule 10.608. Duties of all judges
- Rule 10.609. Notification to State Bar of attorney misconduct
- Rule 10.610. Duties of court executive officer
- Rule 10.611. Nondiscrimination in court appointments
- Rule 10.612. Use of gender-neutral language
- Rule 10.613. Local court rules-adopting, filing, distributing, and maintaining
- Rule 10.614. Local court forms
- Rule 10.620. Public access to administrative decisions of trial courts
- Rule 10.625. Certain demographic data relating to regular grand jurors
- Rule 10.630. Reciprocal assignment orders
- Rule 10.635. Limited situations in which a judicial officer may preside remotely from a location other than a courtroom
Chapter 2. Trial Court Management of Human Resources
Article 1. Trial Court Employee Labor Relations
- Rule 10.650. Court Employee Labor Relations Rules
- Rule 10.651. Purpose
- Rule 10.652. Definitions
- Rule 10.653. Right and obligation to meet and confer
- Rule 10.654. Scope of representation
- Rule 10.655. Governing court employee labor relations
- Rule 10.656. Transition provisions
- Rule 10.657. Construction
- Rule 10.658. Interpretation
- Rule 10.659. Other provisions
- Rule 10.660. Enforcement of agreements-petitions (Gov. Code, §§ 71639.5, 71825.2)
Article 2. Other Human Resources Rules
Chapter 3. Subordinate Judicial Officers
Chapter 4. Referees [Reserved]
Chapter 5. Temporary Judges
- Rule 10.740. Responsibilities of the trial courts for temporary judge programs
- Rule 10.741. Duties and authority of the presiding judge
- Rule 10.742. Use of attorneys as court-appointed temporary judges
- Rule 10.743. Administrator of temporary judges program
- Rule 10.744. Application procedures to serve as a court-appointed temporary judge
- Rule 10.745. Performance
- Rule 10.746. Complaints
Chapter 6. Court Interpreters
Chapter 7. Qualifications of Court Investigators, Probate Attorneys, and Probate Examiners
Chapter 8. Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs
Chapter 9. Trial Court Budget and Fiscal Management
- Rule 10.800. Superior court budgeting
- Rule 10.801. Superior court budget procedures
- Rule 10.803. Information access disputes-writ petitions (Gov. Code, § 71675)
- Rule 10.804. Superior court financial policies and procedures
- Rule 10.805. Notice of change in court-county relationship
- Rule 10.810. Court operations
- Rule 10.811. Reimbursement of costs associated with homicide trials
- Rule 10.815. Fees to be set by the court
- Rule 10.820. Acceptance of credit cards by the superior courts
- Rule 10.821. Acceptance of checks and other negotiable paper
- Rule 10.830. Disposal of surplus court personal property
Chapter 10. Trial Court Records Management
Chapter 11. Trial Court Automation
Chapter 12. Trial Court Management of Civil Cases
Chapter 13. Trial Court Management of Criminal Cases
- Rule 10.950. Role of presiding judge, supervising judge, criminal division, and master calendar department in courts having more than three judges
- Rule 10.951. Duties of supervising judge of the criminal division
- Rule 10.952. Meetings concerning the criminal court system
- Rule 10.953. Procedures for disposition of cases before the preliminary hearing
Chapter 14. Management of Self-Help Centers
Chapter 15. Elections Code Reports
Division 5. Appellate Court Administration
Chapter 1. Rules Relating to the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal
- Rule 10.1000. Transfer of causes
- Rule 10.1004. Court of Appeal administrative presiding justice
- Rule 10.1008. Courts of Appeal with more than one division
- Rule 10.1012. Supervising progress of appeals
- Rule 10.1014. Oversight of administrative presiding justices and presiding justices
- Rule 10.1016. Notice of failure to perform judicial duties
- Rule 10.1017. Notification to State Bar of attorney misconduct
- Rule 10.1020. Reviewing court clerk/executive officer
- Rule 10.1024. Court of Appeal minutes
- Rule 10.1028. Preservation and destruction of Court of Appeal records
- Rule 10.1030. Local rules of Courts of Appeal
Chapter 2. Rules Relating to the Superior Court Appellate Division