California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 10.68. Data Analytics Advisory Committee

(a) Areas of focus

The committee makes recommendations to the Judicial Council regarding the collection, use, and sharing of judicial branch data and information to inform decision making, promote transparency, and improve the administration of justice while ensuring the security of nonpublic data and data sources.

(b) Additional duties

In addition to the duties described in rule 10.34, the committee must:

(1) Develop and recommend policies, or revisions to existing policies, concerning standards and measures to use in collecting, analyzing and sharing data and information that will advance the goals of increased access to justice, greater transparency and accountability, and enhanced delivery of services to the public.

(2) Develop and recommend performance measures, studies, and methodologies to measure and report on court administration, practices, and procedures, including workload assessments; and

(3) Identify, analyze, and report on emerging issues related to branch data and information, including usage of data and information to support branch projects and initiatives.

(c) Membership

The committee must include at least one member from each of the following categories:

(1) Appellate justice;

(2) Trial court judicial officer;

(3) Trial court or appellate court administrator; and

(4) Court staff with data and information management expertise.

(d) Member selection

Factors to be considered in making all appointments to the committee include a candidate's general expertise and experience in data, information, or technology governance and management.

Rule 10.68 adopted effective March 11, 2022.