California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 10.10. Judicial Council internal committees

(a) Judicial Council internal committees

The internal committees are:

(1) Executive and Planning Committee;

(2) Legislation Committee

(3) Rules Committee;

(4) Litigation Management Committee;

(5) Technology Committee; and

(6) Judicial Branch Budget Committee.

(Subd (a) amended effective April 16, 2020; adopted effective August 14, 2009, previously amended effective February 20, 2014,and January 1, 2019.)

(b) Purpose of the internal committees

The internal committees of the Judicial Council assist the full membership of the council in its responsibilities by providing recommendations in their assigned areas, including rules for court administration, practice, and procedure, and by performing duties delegated by the council. Internal committees generally work at the same policy level as the council, focusing on the establishment of policies that emphasize long-term strategic leadership and that align with judicial branch goals.

(Subd (b) adopted effective August 14, 2009.)

(c) Membership and appointment

The Chief Justice appoints each council member and advisory council member to one or more internal committees for a one-year term.

(Subd (c) relettered effective August 14, 2009; adopted as subd (a); previously amended effective January 1, 2007.)

(d) Meetings

Each internal committee meets as often as necessary to perform its responsibilities. The Administrative Director, as secretary of the Judicial Council, may attend and participate in the meetings of each internal committee.

(Subd (d) amended effective January 1, 2016; adopted as subd (c); previously amended and relettered as subd (d) effective August 14, 2009.)

(e) Voting

An advisory council member may vote on any internal committee matter unless the committee is taking final action on behalf of the council.

(Subd (e) relettered effective August 14, 2009; adopted as subd (d).)

(f) Council review

The council may overrule or modify an action taken by an internal committee.

(Subd (f) relettered effective August 14, 2009; adopted as subd (e).)

(g) Reporting to the council

As often as necessary, each internal committee must report to the council on the committee's activities.

(Subd (g) relettered effective August 14, 2009; adopted as subd (f); previously amended effective January 1, 2007.)

(h) Oversight of advisory committees and other bodies

When an internal committee has been assigned by the Chief Justice with the responsibility for oversight over one or more advisory committees or other bodies, the internal committee ensures that the activities of each advisory body overseen by it are consistent with the council's goals and policies. To achieve these outcomes, the internal committee:

(1) Communicates the council's annual charge to each advisory body;

(2) Reviews the proposed annual agenda of each to determine whether the agenda is consistent with the advisory body's charge and with the priorities established by the council; and

(3) After review, approves the final annual agenda for each advisory body.

(Subd (h) adopted effective January 1, 2019.)

Rule 10.10 amended effective April 16, 2020; adopted as rule 6.10 effective January 1, 1999; previously amended and renumbered as rule 10.10 effective January 1, 2007; previously amended effective August 14, 2009, February 20, 2014, January 1, 2016, and January 1, 2019.