California Rules of Court(Revised January 1, 2024) |
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- Division 1. Judicial Council
- Chapter 1. The Judicial Council and Internal Committees
- Rule 10.1. Authority, duties, and goals of the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.2. Judicial Council membership and terms
- Rule 10.3. Nonvoting members
- Rule 10.4. Nominations and appointments to the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.5. Notice and agenda of council meetings
- Rule 10.6. Judicial Council meetings
- Rule 10.10. Judicial Council internal committees
- Rule 10.11. Executive and Planning Committee
- Rule 10.12. Legislation Committee
- Rule 10.13. Rules Committee
- Rule 10.14. Litigation Management Committee
- Rule 10.15. Judicial Branch Budget Committee
- Rule 10.16. Technology Committee
- Rule 10.20. Proposals for new or amended rules, standards, or forms; rule-making process in general
- Rule 10.21. Proposals from members of the public for changes to rules, standards, or forms
- Rule 10.22. Rule-making procedures
- Chapter 2. Judicial Council Advisory Committees and Task Forces
- Rule 10.30. Judicial Council advisory bodies
- Rule 10.31. Advisory committee membership and terms
- Rule 10.32. Nominations and appointments to advisory committees
- Rule 10.33. Advisory committee meetings
- Rule 10.34. Duties and responsibilities of advisory committees
- Rule 10.40. Appellate Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.41. Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.42. Criminal Law Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.43. Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.44. Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.46. Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.48. Court Executives Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.49. Conference of Court Executives [Repealed]
- Rule 10.50. Center for Judicial Education and Research Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.51. Court Interpreters Advisory Panel
- Rule 10.52. Administrative Presiding Justices Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.53. Information Technology Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.54. Traffic Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.55. Advisory Committee on Providing Access and Fairness
- Rule 10.56. Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.58. Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions
- Rule 10.59. Advisory Committee on Criminal Jury Instructions
- Rule 10.60. Tribal Court-State Court Forum
- Rule 10.61. Court Security Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.62. Court Facilities Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.63. Advisory Committee on Audits and Financial Accountability for the Judicial Branch
- Rule 10.64. Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.65. Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.66. Workload Assessment Advisory Committee [Repealed]
- Rule 10.67. Judicial Branch Workers' Compensation Program Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.68. Data Analytics Advisory Committee
- Rule 10.70. Task forces, working groups, and other advisory bodies
- Chapter 3. Judicial Council Advisory Body Meetings
- Rule 10.75. Meetings of advisory bodies
- Chapter 4. Judicial Council staff
- Rule 10.80. Administrative Director of the Courts (Administrative Director)
- Rule 10.81. Judicial Council staff
- Division 2. Administration of the Judicial Branch
- Chapter 1. Budget and Fiscal Management
- Rule 10.101. Role of the Judicial Council
- Rule 10.102. Acceptance of gifts
- Rule 10.103. Limitation on intrabranch contracting
- Rule 10.104. Limitation on contracting with former employees
- Rule 10.105. Allocation of new fee, fine, and forfeiture revenue
- Rule 10.106. Judicial branch travel expense reimbursement policy
- Rule 10.107. Trial Court Budget Working Group [Repealed]
- Chapter 2. Court Security
- Rule 10.172. Court security plans
- Rule 10.173. Court security committees
- Rule 10.174. Petition Regarding Disputes Related to Court Security Memoranda of Understanding
- Chapter 3. Court Facilities
- Rule 10.180. Court facilities standards
- Rule 10.181. Court facilities policies, procedures, and standards
- Rule 10.182. Operation and maintenance of court facilities
- Rule 10.183. Decision making on transfer of responsibility for trial court facilities
- Rule 10.184. Acquisition, space programming, construction, and design of court facilities
- Chapter 4. Management of Claims and Litigation
- Rule 10.201. Claim and litigation procedure
- Rule 10.202. Claims and litigation management
- Rule 10.203. Contractual indemnification
- Chapter 5. Management of Human Resources
- Rule 10.350. Workers' compensation program
- Rule 10.351. Judicial branch policies on workplace conduct
- Chapter 6. Court Technology, Information, and Automation
- Rule 10.400. Judicial Branch Statistical Information System (JBSIS)
- Chapter 7. Minimum Education Requirements, Expectations, and Recommendations
- Rule 10.451. Judicial branch education
- Rule 10.452. Minimum education requirements, expectations, and recommendations
- Rule 10.455. Ethics orientation for Judicial Council members and for judicial branch employees required to file a statement of economic interests
- Rule 10.461. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal justices
- Rule 10.462. Minimum education requirements and expectations for trial court judges and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.463. Education requirements for family court judges and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.464. Education requirements and expectations for judges and subordinate judicial officers on domestic violence issues
- Rule 10.468. Content-based and hours-based education for superior court judges and subordinate judicial officers regularly assigned to hear probate proceedings
- Rule 10.469. Judicial education recommendations for justices, judges, and subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.471. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal clerks/executive officers
- Rule 10.472. Minimum education requirements for Supreme Court and Court of Appeal managing attorneys, supervisors, and other personnel
- Rule 10.473. Minimum education requirements for trial court executive officers
- Rule 10.474. Trial court managers, supervisors, and other personnel
- Rule 10.478. Content-based and hours-based education for court investigators, probate attorneys, and probate examiners
- Rule 10.479. Education recommendations for appellate and trial court personnel
- Rule 10.481. Approved providers; approved course criteria
- Rule 10.491. Minimum education requirements for Judicial Council employees
- Rule 10.492. Temporary extension and pro rata reduction of judicial branch education requirements
- Rule 10.493. Instructor-led training
- Division 3. Judicial Administration Rules Applicable to All Courts
- Rule 10.500. Public access to judicial administrative records
- Rule 10.501. Maintenance of budget and management information
- Rule 10.502. Judicial sabbatical program
- Rule 10.503. Use of recycled paper by all courts [Repealed]
- Rule 10.504. Smoking prohibited in all courts
- Rule 10.505. Judicial robes
- Division 4. Trial Court Administration
- Chapter 1. General Rules on Trial Court Management
- Rule 10.601. Superior court management
- Rule 10.602. Selection and term of presiding judge
- Rule 10.603. Authority and duties of presiding judge
- Rule 10.605. Executive committee
- Rule 10.608. Duties of all judges
- Rule 10.609. Notification to State Bar of attorney misconduct
- Rule 10.610. Duties of court executive officer
- Rule 10.611. Nondiscrimination in court appointments
- Rule 10.612. Use of gender-neutral language
- Rule 10.613. Local court rules-adopting, filing, distributing, and maintaining
- Rule 10.614. Local court forms
- Rule 10.620. Public access to administrative decisions of trial courts
- Rule 10.625. Certain demographic data relating to regular grand jurors
- Rule 10.630. Reciprocal assignment orders
- Rule 10.635. Limited situations in which a judicial officer may preside remotely from a location other than a courtroom
- Chapter 2. Trial Court Management of Human Resources
- Article 1. Trial Court Employee Labor Relations
- Rule 10.650. Court Employee Labor Relations Rules
- Rule 10.651. Purpose
- Rule 10.652. Definitions
- Rule 10.653. Right and obligation to meet and confer
- Rule 10.654. Scope of representation
- Rule 10.655. Governing court employee labor relations
- Rule 10.656. Transition provisions
- Rule 10.657. Construction
- Rule 10.658. Interpretation
- Rule 10.659. Other provisions
- Rule 10.660. Enforcement of agreements-petitions (Gov. Code, §§ 71639.5, 71825.2)
- Article 2. Other Human Resources Rules
- Rule 10.670. Trial court personnel plans
- Chapter 3. Subordinate Judicial Officers
- Rule 10.700. Role of subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.701. Qualifications and education of subordinate judicial officers
- Rule 10.702. Subordinate judicial officers: practice of law
- Rule 10.703. Subordinate judicial officers: complaints and notice requirements
- Chapter 4. Referees [Reserved]
- Chapter 5. Temporary Judges
- Rule 10.740. Responsibilities of the trial courts for temporary judge programs
- Rule 10.741. Duties and authority of the presiding judge
- Rule 10.742. Use of attorneys as court-appointed temporary judges
- Rule 10.743. Administrator of temporary judges program
- Rule 10.744. Application procedures to serve as a court-appointed temporary judge
- Rule 10.745. Performance
- Rule 10.746. Complaints
- Chapter 6. Court Interpreters
- Rule 10.761. Regional Court Interpreter Employment Relations Committees
- Rule 10.762. Cross-assignments for court interpreter employees
- Chapter 7. Qualifications of Court Investigators, Probate Attorneys, and Probate Examiners
- Rule 10.776. Definitions
- Rule 10.777. Qualifications of court investigators, probate attorneys, and probate examiners
- Chapter 8. Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs
- Rule 10.780. Administration of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs
- Rule 10.781. Court-related ADR neutrals
- Rule 10.782. ADR program information
- Rule 10.783. ADR program administration
- Chapter 9. Trial Court Budget and Fiscal Management
- Rule 10.800. Superior court budgeting
- Rule 10.801. Superior court budget procedures
- Rule 10.803. Information access disputes-writ petitions (Gov. Code, § 71675)
- Rule 10.804. Superior court financial policies and procedures
- Rule 10.805. Notice of change in court-county relationship
- Rule 10.810. Court operations
- Rule 10.811. Reimbursement of costs associated with homicide trials
- Rule 10.815. Fees to be set by the court
- Rule 10.820. Acceptance of credit cards by the superior courts
- Rule 10.821. Acceptance of checks and other negotiable paper
- Rule 10.830. Disposal of surplus court personal property
- Chapter 10. Trial Court Records Management
- Rule 10.850. Trial court records
- Rule 10.851. Court indexes-automated maintenance
- Rule 10.854. Standards and guidelines for trial court records
- Rule 10.855. Superior court records sampling program
- Rule 10.856. Notice of superior court records destruction
- Chapter 11. Trial Court Automation
- Rule 10.870. Trial court automation standards
- Chapter 12. Trial Court Management of Civil Cases
- Rule 10.900. Case management and calendaring system
- Rule 10.901. Internal management procedures
- Rule 10.910. Assigned cases to be tried or dismissed-notification to presiding judge
- Chapter 13. Trial Court Management of Criminal Cases
- Rule 10.950. Role of presiding judge, supervising judge, criminal division, and master calendar department in courts having more than three judges
- Rule 10.951. Duties of supervising judge of the criminal division
- Rule 10.952. Meetings concerning the criminal court system
- Rule 10.953. Procedures for disposition of cases before the preliminary hearing
- Chapter 14. Management of Self-Help Centers
- Rule 10.960. Court self-help centers
- Chapter 15. Elections Code Reports
- Rule 10.970 Reports of findings and orders affecting voting rights (Elec. Code, § 2211.5)
- Division 5. Appellate Court Administration
- Chapter 1. Rules Relating to the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal
- Rule 10.1000. Transfer of causes
- Rule 10.1004. Court of Appeal administrative presiding justice
- Rule 10.1008. Courts of Appeal with more than one division
- Rule 10.1012. Supervising progress of appeals
- Rule 10.1014. Oversight of administrative presiding justices and presiding justices
- Rule 10.1016. Notice of failure to perform judicial duties
- Rule 10.1017. Notification to State Bar of attorney misconduct
- Rule 10.1020. Reviewing court clerk/executive officer
- Rule 10.1024. Court of Appeal minutes
- Rule 10.1028. Preservation and destruction of Court of Appeal records
- Rule 10.1030. Local rules of Courts of Appeal
- Chapter 2. Rules Relating to the Superior Court Appellate Division
- Rule 10.1100. Assignments to the appellate division
- Rule 10.1104. Presiding judge
- Rule 10.1108. Sessions