Advisory Committee
Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee Past Meetings
Displaying 271 - 273 of 273
January 16, 2014Event Type: Open Meeting
Audio Archive
Meeting Materials Supplemental Materials Handouts Minutes Minutes Update on Governor’s Budget for 2014–2015 Allocation of Court-Appointed Counsel Fees Costs Recovered from Juvenile Court-Appointed Dependency Counsel Cases Presentation Recommendations of the Realignment Subcommittee Recommendations of the Funding Methodology Subcommittee Preliminary Recommendations of the Revenue and Expenditure Subcommittee Security Growth Funding for Courts with Marshals
August 14, 2013Event Type: Open Meeting
Audio Archive
Meeting Agenda and References Additional Materials Minutes Work of the Funding Methodology Subcommittee Allocation for Projects and Programs from the State Trial Court Improvement and Modernization Fund and Trial Court Trust Fund Guidelines for the Administrative Director of the Courts When Making Adjustments to Allocations from the State Trial Court Impro Amendments to Collections Program Guidelines Fresno County Superior Court Allocation Request for Case Management System Replacement Budget Change Proposals -
July 9, 2013Event Type: Open Meeting
Audio Archive
Welcome: Co-chairs Judge Laurie Earl and Zlatko TheodorovicFull Orientation or by topic w/audio
Committee co-chair Zlatko Theodorovic on topics of relevance to the state budget and funding allocations to the judicial branch.Orientation Audio Clips: reference
11 am to 4 pm (Business Meeting)
Welcome: Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye and cochairs
Judge Laurie Earl and Zlatko TheodorovicProjected 2013-14 Workload; Subcommittees
a. Revenue & Expenditure, Funding Methodology, Criminal Justice RealignmentCriminal Justice Realignment Funding [pages 1 to 5] (action item) Trial Court Trust Fund Allocations [pages 6 to 13] (action item)
a. Program 45.10—court-appointed dependency counsel, jury,
screening stations, self-help, elder abuseBase Allocation for Court Operations [pages 7 to 34] (action item)
a. Beginning 2013–2014 base allocation and allocation of $261 million
ongoing reduction [page 14]b. WAFM (Workload Allocation Funding Methodology)
i. Bureau of Labor Statistics adjustment [pages 15 to 18]
ii. Unique/Omitted factors (information only)
iii. WAFM computation [page 19]c. Allocation of $60 million new ongoing funding and reallocation of $60 million in base funding
[pages 19 to 20]
i. Discuss legislative reporting templateAllocation of 2% Reserve (holdback from allocation)
[pages 35 to 37] (action item)Budget Change Proposals
a. Security, AB 109/Realignment, technology, others.Benefits Funding
a. 2012-13 full-year cost changes [page 38]
b. Survey of 2013-14 cost changesUpdate on Ad Hoc Court Interpreter Working Group Liaisons to Technology Advisory Groups Wrap Up and Next Steps Orientation Audio Clips Welcome: Co-chairs Judge Laurie Earl and Zlatko Theodorovic Funding types: Where does the money come from? Budget status of the California Courts Key dates in the Budget Cycle What is the role of the Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee? What is the role of the AOC? Facility funding What are BCP's? (Budget Change Proposals)