Division 1. Family Rules
- Rule 5.1. Title
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. General Provisions
Article 2: Use of Forms
Article 3. Appearance by Telephone
Article 4. Discovery
Article 5: Sanctions
Chapter 2. Parties and Joinder of Parties
Article 1. Parties to Proceedings
Article 2. Joinder of Parties
Article 3. Employee Pension Benefit Plan
Chapter 3. Filing Fees and Fee Waivers
Article 1. Filing Fees and Fee Waivers
Article 2. Special Procedures
Chapter 4. Starting and Responding to a Family Law Case; Service of Papers
Article 1. Summonses, Notices, and Declarations
Article 2. Initial Pleadings
Article 3. Service of Papers
Article 4. Manner of Service
Article 5. Pleadings and Amended Pleadings
Article 6. Specific Proceedings
Chapter 5. Family Centered Case Resolution Plans
Chapter 6. Request for Court Orders
Article 1. General Provisions
Article 2. Filing and Service
Article 3. Meet-and-Confer Conferences
Article 4. Evidence at Hearings
Article 5. Reporting and Preparation of Order After Hearing
Article 6. Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings
Chapter 7. Request for Emergency Orders (Ex parte Orders)
Article 1. Request for Emergency Orders (Ex parte Orders)
Article 2. Notice, Service, Appearance
Article 3. Procedural Matters Not Requiring Notice (Non-Emergency Orders)
Chapter 8. Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Proceedings
Article 1. Child Custody Mediation
Article 2. Child Custody Investigations and Evaluations
Article 3. Ex parte Communication
Article 4. Counsel Appointed to Represent a Child
- Rule 5.240. Appointment of counsel to represent a child in family law proceedings
- Rule 5.241. Compensation of counsel appointed to represent a child in a family law proceeding
- Rule 5.242. Qualifications, rights, and responsibilities of counsel appointed to represent a child in family law proceedings
Article 5. Children's Participation in Family Court
Chapter 9. Child, Spousal, and Domestic Partner Support
Article 1. General Provisions
Article 2. Certification of Statewide Uniform Guideline Support Calculators
Chapter 10. Government Child Support Cases (Title IV-D Support Cases)
- Rule 5.350. Procedures for hearings to cancel (set aside) voluntary declarations of parentage or paternity when no previous action has been filed
- Rule 5.300. Purpose, authority, and definitions
- Rule 5.305. Hearing of matters by a judge under Family Code sections 4251(a) and 4252(b)(7)
- Rule 5.310. Use of existing family law forms
- Rule 5.311. Implementation of new and revised governmental forms by local child support agencies
- Rule 5.315. Memorandum of points and authorities
- Rule 5.320. Attorney of record in support actions under title IV-D of the Social Security Act
- Rule 5.324. Telephone appearance in title IV-D hearings and conferences
- Rule 5.325. Procedures for clerk's handling of combined summons and complaint
- Rule 5.330. Procedures for child support case registry form
- Rule 5.335. Procedures for hearings on interstate income withholding orders
- Rule 5.340. Judicial education for child support commissioners
- Rule 5.350. Procedures for hearings to cancel (set aside) voluntary declarations of parentage or paternity when no previous action has been filed
- Rule 5.355. Minimum standards of training for court clerk staff whose assignment includes title IV-D child support cases
- Rule 5.360. Appearance by local child support agency
- Rule 5.365. Procedure for consolidation of child support orders
- Rule 5.370. Party designation in interstate and intrastate cases
- Rule 5.372. Transfer of title IV-D cases between tribal court and state court
- Rule 5.375. Procedure for a support obligor to file a motion regarding mistaken identity
Chapter 11. Domestic Violence Cases
Article 1. Domestic Violence Prevention Act Cases
- Rule 5.380. Agreement and judgment of parentage in Domestic Violence Prevention Act cases
- Rule 5.381. Modification of child custody, visitation, and support orders in Domestic Violence Prevention Act cases
- Rule 5.382. Request to make minor's information confidential in domestic violence protective order proceedings
Article 2. Tribal Court Protective Orders
Chapter 12. Separate Trials (Bifurcation) and Interlocutory Appeals
Article 1. Separate Trials
Article 2. Interlocutory Appeals
Chapter 13. Trials and Long-Cause Hearings
Chapter 14. Default Proceedings and Judgments
- Rule 5.401. Default
- Rule 5.402. Request for default; forms
- Rule 5.405. Judgment checklists
- Rule 5.407. Review of default and uncontested judgments submitted on the basis of declaration under Family Code section 2336
- Rule 5.409. Default and uncontested judgment hearings on judgments submitted on the basis of declarations under Family Code section 2336
- Rule 5.411. Stipulated judgments
- Rule 5.413. Notice of entry of judgment
- Rule 5.415. Completion of notice of entry of judgment
Chapter 15. Settlement Services
Chapter 16. Limited Scope Representation; Attorney's Fees and Costs
Article 1. Limited Scope Representation
Article 2. Attorney's Fees and Costs
Chapter 17. Family Law Facilitator
Chapter 18. Court Coordination Rules
Chapter 19. Minor Marriage or Domestic Partnership
Article 1. General Provisions
Division 2. Rules Applicable in Family and Juvenile Proceedings
Chapter 1. Contact and Coordination
Chapter 2. Indian Child Welfare Act
- Rule 5.480. Application
- Rule 5.481. Inquiry and notice
- Rule 5.482. Proceedings after notice
- Rule 5.483. Dismissal and transfer of case
- Former rule 5.484. Renumbered effective January 1, 2020
- Rule 5.484. Emergency proceedings involving an Indian child
- Former rule 5.485. Renumbered effective January 1, 2020
- Rule 5.485. Placement of an Indian child
- Former rule 5.486. Renumbered effective January 1, 2020
- Rule 5.486. Termination of parental rights
- Former rule 5.487. Renumbered effective January 1, 2020
- Rule 5.487. Petition to invalidate orders
- Rule 5.488. Adoption record keeping
Chapter 3. Intercountry Adoptions
- Rule 5.490. Adoption of a child resident in the United States by a resident of a foreign country party to the Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Convention or Hague Adoption Convention)
- Rule 5.491. Adoption of a child resident in the United States by a resident of a foreign country not party to the Hague Adoption Convention
- Rule 5.492. Adoption by a United States resident of a child resident in a foreign country that is party to the Hague Adoption Convention
- Rule 5.493. Requirement to request adoption under California law of a child born in a foreign country when the adoption is finalized in the foreign country (Fam. Code, §§ 8912, 8919)
Chapter 4: Protective Orders
Division 3. Juvenile Rules
Chapter 1. Preliminary Provisions-Title and Definitions
Chapter 2. Commencement of Juvenile Court Proceedings
- Rule 5.510. Proper court; determination of child's residence; exclusive jurisdiction
- Rule 5.512. Joint assessment procedure
- Rule 5.514. Intake; guidelines
- Rule 5.516. Factors to consider
- Rule 5.518. Court-connected child protection/dependency mediation
- Rule 5.520. Filing the petition; application for petition
- Rule 5.522. Remote filing
- Rule 5.523. Electronic service (§ 212.5)
- Rule 5.524. Form of petition; notice of hearing
- Rule 5.526. Citation to appear; warrants of arrest; subpoenas
Chapter 3. General Conduct of Juvenile Court Proceedings
- Rule 5.530. Persons present
- Rule 5.531. Appearance by telephone (§ 388; Pen. Code § 2625)
- Rule 5.532. Court reporter; transcripts
- Rule 5.534. General provisions-all proceedings
- Rule 5.536. General provisions-proceedings held before referees
- Rule 5.538. Conduct of proceedings held before a referee not acting as a temporary judge
- Rule 5.540. Orders of referees not acting as temporary judges
- Rule 5.542. Rehearing of proceedings before referees
- Rule 5.544. Prehearing motions (§ 700.1)
- Rule 5.546. Prehearing discovery
- Rule 5.548. Granting immunity to witnesses
- Rule 5.550. Continuances
- Rule 5.552. Confidentiality of records (§§ 827, 827.12, 828)
- Rule 5.553. Juvenile case file of a deceased child
- Rule 5.555. Hearing to consider termination of juvenile court jurisdiction over a nonminor-dependents or wards of the juvenile court in a foster care placement and nonminor dependents (§§ 224.1(b), 303, 366.31, 391, 451, 452, 607.2, 607.3, 16501.1 (g)(16))
Chapter 4. Subsequent Petitions and Modifications
Chapter 5. Appellate Review
Chapter 6. Emancipation
Chapter 7. Intercounty Transfers; Out-of-County Placements; Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Rule 5.610. Transfer-out hearing
- Rule 5.612. Transfer-in hearing
- Rule 5.613. Transfer of nonminor dependents
- Rule 5.614. Out-of-county placements
- Rule 5.616. Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Rule 5.618. Placement in short-term residential therapeutic program (§§ 361.22, 727.12)
- Rule 5.619. Voluntary placement in psychiatric residential treatment facility (Welf. & Inst. Code, §§ 361.23, 727.13)
Chapter 8. Restraining Orders, Custody Orders, and Guardianships General Court Authority
Chapter 9. Parentage
Chapter 10. Medication, Mental Health, and Education
- Rule 5.640. Psychotropic medications
- Rule 5.642. Authorization to release psychotropic medication prescription information to Medical Board of California
- Former Rule 5.645. Renumbered effective January 1, 2020
- Rule 5.643. Mental health or condition of child; court procedures
- Rule 5.645. Mental health or condition of child; competency evaluations
- Rule 5.647. Medi-Cal: Presumptive Transfer of Specialty Mental Health Services
- Rule 5.649. Right to make educational or developmental-services decisions
- Rule 5.650. Appointed educational rights holder
- Rule 5.651. Educational and developmental-services decisionmaking rights
- Rule 5.652. Access to pupil records for truancy purposes
Chapter 11. Advocates for Parties
- Rule 5.655. Program requirements for Court Appointed Special Advocate programs
- Rule 5.660. Attorneys for parties (§§ 317, 317.5, 317.6, 353, 366.26, 16010.6)
- Rule 5.661. Representation of the child on appeal
- Rule 5.662. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) guardian ad litem for a child subject to a juvenile dependency petition
- Rule 5.663. Responsibilities of children's counsel in delinquency proceedings (§§ 202, 265, 633, 634, 634.3 634.6, 679, 700)
- Rule 5.664. Training requirements for children's counsel in delinquency proceedings (§ 634.3)
Chapter 12. Cases Petitioned Under Section 300
Article 1. Initial Hearing
- Rule 5.667. Service and notice
- Rule 5.668. Commencement of hearing-explanation of proceedings (§§ 316, 316.2)
- Rule 5.670. Initial hearing; detention hearings; time limit on custody; setting jurisdiction hearing; visitation (§§ 309, 311, 313, 315, 362.1)
- Rule 5.672. Continuances
- Rule 5.674. Conduct of hearing; admission, no contest, submission
- Rule 5.676. Requirements for detention
- Rule 5.678. Findings in support of detention; factors to consider; reasonable efforts; active efforts; detention alternatives
- Rule 5.680. Detention rehearings; prima facie hearings [Repealed]
Article 2. Jurisdiction
Article 3. Disposition
- Rule 5.690. General conduct of disposition hearing
- Rule 5.695. Findings and orders of the court-disposition
- Rule 5.697. Disposition Hearing for a Nonminor (Welf. & Inst. Code, §§ 224.1, 295, 303, 358, 358.1, 361, 366.31, 390, 391)
- Rule 5.700. Termination of jurisdiction-custody and visitation orders (§§ 302, 304, 361.2, 362.4, 726.5)
- Rule 5.705. Setting a hearing under section 366.26
Article 4. Reviews, Permanent Planning
- Rule 5.706. Family maintenance review hearings (§ 364)
- Rule 5.707. Review or dispositional hearing requirements for child approaching majority (§§ 224.1, 366(a)(1)(F), 366.3, 366.31, 16501.1(f)(16))
- Rule 5.708. General review hearing requirements
- Rule 5.710. Six-month review hearing
- Rule 5.715. Twelve-month permanency hearing
- Rule 5.720. Eighteen-month permanency review hearing
- Rule 5.722. Twenty-four-month subsequent permanency review hearing
- Rule 5.725. Selection of permanent plan (§§ 366.24, 366.26, 727.31)
- Rule 5.726. Prospective adoptive parent designation (§§ 366.26(n), 16010.6)
- Rule 5.727. Proposed removal (§ 366.26(n))
- Rule 5.728. Emergency removal (§ 366.26(n))
- Rule 5.730. Adoption
- Rule 5.735. Legal guardianship
- Rule 5.740. Hearings after selection of a permanent plan (§§ 366.26, 366.3, 16501.1)
Chapter 13. Cases Petitioned Under Sections 601 and 602
Article 1. Initial Appearance
- Rule 5.752. Initial hearing; detention hearings; time limit on custody; setting jurisdiction hearing
- Rule 5.754. Commencement of initial hearing-explanation, advisement, admission
- Rule 5.756. Conduct of detention hearing
- Rule 5.758. Requirements for detention; prima facie case
- Rule 5.760. Detention hearing; report; grounds; determinations; findings; orders; factors to consider for detention; restraining orders
- Rule 5.762. Detention rehearings
- Rule 5.764. Prima facie hearings
Article 2. Hearing on Transfer of Jurisdiction to Criminal Court
Article 3. Jurisdiction
- Rule 5.774. Setting petition for hearing-detained and nondetained cases; waiver of hearing
- Rule 5.776. Grounds for continuance of jurisdiction hearing
- Rule 5.778. Commencement of hearing on section 601 or section 602 petition; right to counsel; advisement of trial rights; admission, no contest
- Rule 5.780. Contested hearing on section 601 or section 602 petition
- Rule 5.782. Continuance pending disposition hearing
Article 4. Disposition
- Rule 5.785. General conduct of hearing
- Rule 5.790. Orders of the court
- Rule 5.795. Required determinations
- Rule 5.800. Deferred entry of judgment
- Rule 5.804. Commitment to secure youth treatment facility
- Rule 5.805. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice, commitments [Repealed]
- Rule 5.806. Secure youth treatment facility baseline term
- Rule 5.807. Secure youth treatment facility progress review process
- Rule 5.808. Discharge from secure youth treatment facility (§ 875(e)(3) & (4))
Article 5. Reviews and Sealing
- Rule 5.810. Reviews, hearings, and permanency planning
- Rule 5.811. Modification to transition jurisdiction for a ward older than 17 years and 5 months with a petition subject to dismissal (Welf. & Inst. Code, §§ 450, 451, 727.2(i)-(j), 778; Pen. Code, § 236.14)
- Rule 5.812. Additional requirements for any hearing to terminate jurisdiction over child in foster care and for status review or dispositional hearing for child approaching majority (§§ 450, 451, 727.2(i)-(j), 778)
- Rule 5.813. Modification to transition jurisdiction for a ward older than 18 years and younger than 21 years of age (§§ 450, 451)
- Rule 5.814. Modification to transition jurisdiction for a ward older than 17 years, 5 months of age and younger than 18 years of age (§§ 450, 451)
- Rule 5.815. Appointment of legal guardians for wards of the juvenile court; modification or termination of guardianship Legal guardianship-wards (§§ 366.26, 727.3, 728)
- Rule 5.820. Termination of parental rights for child in foster care for 15 of the last 22 months
- Rule 5.825. Freeing wards for adoption
- Rule 5.830. Sealing records (§ 781)
- Rule 5.840. Dismissal of petition and sealing of records (§ 786)
- Rule 5.850 Sealing of records by probation in diversion cases (§ 786.5)
- Rule 5.860. Prosecuting attorney request to access sealed juvenile case files
Chapter 14. Nonminor Dependent
- Rule 5.900. Nonminor dependent-preliminary provisions (§§ 224.1(b), 295, 303, 366, 366.3, 388, 391, 607(a))
- Rule 5.903. Nonminor dependent status review hearing (§§ 224.1(b), 295, 366.1, 366.3, 366.31)
- Rule 5.906. Request by nonminor for the juvenile court to resume jurisdiction (§§ 224.1(b), 303, 388(e), 388.1)