California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 5.18. Injunctive relief and reservation of jurisdiction

(a) Injunctive relief

When a party in a family law case applies for a court order under rule 5.92, the court may grant injunctive or other relief against or for the following persons to protect the rights of either or both parties:

(1) A person who has or claims an interest in the case;

(2) A person who would be a necessary party to a complete disposition of the issues in the case, but is not permitted to be a party under rule 5.16; or

(3) A person who is acting as a trustee, agent, custodian, or similar fiduciary with respect to any property subject to disposition by the court in the proceeding, or other matter subject to the jurisdiction of the court in the proceeding.

(b) Reservation of jurisdiction

If the court is unable to resolve the issue in the proceeding under the Family Code, the court may reserve jurisdiction over the particular issue until such time as the rights of such person and the parties to the proceeding under the Family Code have been determined in a separate action or proceeding.

Rule 5.18 adopted effective January 1, 2013.

Title 5, Family and Juvenile Rules-Division 1, Family Rules-Chapter 2, Parties and Joinder of Parties-Article 2, Joinder of Parties; adopted January 1, 2013.