Revenue Distribution Information & Training

This page is designed to serve as a centralized resource for trial courts and justice partner stakeholders to access important information on trial court revenue distribution: SCO’s Trial Court Revenue Distribution Guidelines, upcoming & past training modules, and other related resources.

    What are the Steps if I have a Trial Court Revenue Distribution Question?

    1 Check the State Controller's Office Trial Court Revenue Distribution Guidelines

    2 Check Trial Court Revenue Distribution Resources

    3 50-50 Excess Split Revenue Payment Instructions and Template

    4 Follow up with Judicial Council Funds and Revenue staff

    Revenue Distribution Training Programs By Year


    Spring 2024 Revenue Distribution Training

    Spring 2024 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Plenary Presentation

    Session provides information and/or updates on recent statutory changes affecting distributions, distribution audit issues, and other topics of interest including Ability to Pay.

    Breakout Session A— Basic Distributions

    Session focuses on the statutes, resources, calculations, and analysis that apply to basic distributions and will include the usual walk-through of the distribution worksheets. We will populate worksheets using mock information for select case types, including Speeding, Red Light, and Health and Safety Code offenses, with examples of bail forfeiture and traffic violator school dispositions.

    Breakout Session B—Advanced Distributions

    Session focuses on the statutes, resources, calculations, and analysis that apply to all distributions and will include the usual walk-through of the distribution worksheets. We will populate worksheets using mock information for select case types, including Speeding, DUI, Red Light, and Health and Safety Code offenses, with examples of bail forfeiture and traffic violator school dispositions.


    Winter 2024 Revenue Distribution Training

    Winter 2024 Revenue Distribution Training Materials


    Spring 2023 Revenue Distribution Training

    Spring 2023 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Plenary Presentation
    Session provides information and/or updates on recent statutory changes affecting distributions, distribution audit issues, and other topics of interest including Ability to Pay. The sessions’ curriculum may include, but is not limited to, the following:

    Breakout Session A— Mini-Trainings: Various Collections and Distribution Related Topics
    Session provides brief overview of various topics related to the collection and distribution of court-ordered debt, including the implementation of legislative changes (e.g., EMAT and AB 199) and required reporting on the Collections Reporting Template and TC 31 form.

    Breakout Session B—Basic and Special Distributions, Tuesday, May 23, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
    Session focuses on the statutes, resources, calculations, and analysis that apply to all distributions and will include the usual walk-through of the distribution worksheets. We will populate worksheets using mock information for select case types, including Speeding, DUI, Red Light, and Health and Safety Code offenses, with examples of bail forfeiture and traffic violator school dispositions.

    Evaluations—Your feedback is valuable to us, please tell us how we are doing by completing questionnaire for each session attended/viewed:
    Session A:
    Session B:


    Winter 2023 Revenue Distribution Training

    Winter 2023 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Evaluation Questionnaire— Your feedback is valuable to us, please tell us how we are doing by completing a questionnaire by Friday, February 3. At the end of session, click on the prompt to SurveyMonkey or click here after viewing the presentation.


    Spring 2022 Revenue Distribution Training

    Spring 2022 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Plenary Presentation

    Breakout Sessions and Materials

    Session A— Basic Distributions

    Session will cover key distribution statutes and allows participants to practice some basic distributions using a distribution worksheet tool.

    Session B—Special Distributions

    Session focuses on more complex special distributions and allows participants to independently practice distributions using mock case information on worksheet tool.

    Session C— Measuring the Resolution of Cases: Court-Ordered Adjustments and Discharge from Accountability

    Session focuses on the implementation of alternative approaches aimed at resolving court-ordered debt by means other than actual payment. Court and County staff will discuss their experience implementing procedures for adjustments and discharges, as well as commonly encountered challenges.

    Session D— Overview of Online Ability to Pay Program and Backfill Process

    Session focuses on the process for submitting claims for ability to pay (ATP) backfill request, as provided by Government Code section 68645.7. The session will provide an overview of the ATP process and a demonstration on how to complete the ATP backfill request form.

    Evaluations—Your feedback is valuable to us, please tell us how we are doing by completing questionnaires for each session attended/viewed:


    Session A:

    Session B:

    Session C:

    Session D:


    Winter 2022 Revenue Distribution Training

    Winter 2022 Revenue Distribution Training Sessions and Materials

    Judicial Council

    Franchise Tax Board (FTB)

    State Controller’s Office (SCO)

    Resources and Links (PDF)

    Evaluation Questionnaire—Your feedback is valuable to us, please tell us how we are doing by completing a questionnaire for each presentation viewed. A SurveyMonkey link is provided on the last slide of each presentation.


    2021 Revenue Distribution Training

    Spring 2021 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Plenary Presentation

    Breakout Sessions and Materials

    Session A— Basic Distributions

    Session will cover key distribution statutes and allows participants to practice some basic distributions using a distribution worksheet tool.

    Session B—Special Distributions

    Session focuses on more complex special distributions and allows participants to independently practice distributions using mock case information on worksheet tool.

    Session C— Completing the Collections Reporting Template (CRT)

    Session will provide an overview of the reporting requirement and walk-thru of the CRT with a specific focus on how to report required data elements, using mock data for the purpose of providing a hands-on exercise on how to complete the CRT.

    Session D— Cost Recovery

    Session is designed for court and county collections and/or fiscal staff who prepare the CRT or other reports that include claims for operating costs recovered under Penal Code section 1463.007.

    Evaluation—Your feedback is valuable to us, please tell us how we are doing by completing this Questionnaire.


    January 2021 Training Webinar Materials


    2020 Revenue Distribution Training

    Spring 2020 Revenue Distribution Training Materials

    Plenary Presentation

    Breakout Sessions and Materials

    Session on Performance Measures and Benchmarks
    Forrester Research Inc., provides an update on the reevaluation of existing performance measures (Gross Recovery Rate and Success Rate) to accurately track and benchmark performance of statewide collections’ programs.

    Session 1A: 50/50 and TC 31 Forms
    Sessions provide step by step instruction for completing the 50/50 and TC-31 forms.

    Session 1B: California’s Legislative Cycle
    Session provides in-depth overview of California’s Legislative cycle and identifying fiscal impacts.

    Session 2A: Basic Distributions
    Session provides overview of key distribution statutes and tools to independently perform basic distributions using worksheets.

    Session 2B: Special Distributions
    Session provides overview of more complex distributions and reviews available resources and tools required to independently perform special distributions using worksheets.

    Session 3A: Discharge from Accountability
    Session provides two California Superior Courts’ viewpoint and experience with the discharge from accountability implementation process.

    *Reference materials for both discharge sessions:

    Evaluation QuestionnaireYour feedback is valuable to us, please continue to tell us how we are doing by completing this Questionnaire.


    2019 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 2019 Training Webinar Materials

    April 23, May 7, and 8, 2019 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session Materials

    Optional to Print

    Afternoon Breakout Session Materials

    Breakout Session A: Basic Distributions

    Breakout Session B: Special Distributions


    2018 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 5-6, 2018 Training Materials

    Play audio concurrently while viewing presentation

    May 3, 15, and 16, 2018 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session Materials

    Optional to Print

    Afternoon Breakout Session Materials

    Breakout Session A: Basic Distributions

    Breakout Session B: Special Distributions


    2017 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 6-7, 2017 Training Materials

    June 5, 12, and 13, 2017 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session Materials

    Optional to Print

    Afternoon Breakout Session Materials

    Breakout Session A: Basic Distributions

    Breakout Session B: Special Distributions


    2016 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 6-7, 2016 Training Materials

    May 19, June 1-2, 2016 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session Materials

    Optional to Print

    Afternoon Breakout Session Materials

    Breakout Session A: Basic Distributions

    Breakout Session B: Special Distributions


    2015 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 8-9, 2015 Training Materials

    May 8, 11-12 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session Materials

    Afternoon Breakout Session Materials

    Breakout Session A: Basic Distributions

    Breakout Session B: Intermediate/Advanced Distributions


    2014 Revenue Distribution Training

    December 3, 2014 Training Materials

    July 9, 2014 Training Materials

    Morning Plenary Session PowerPoint Slides

    Afternoon Distribution Calculations Session PowerPoint Slides
