Appellate Courts Salary Listings
Appellate Courts Salary Listings
Monthly Salary Listing
Effective July 1, 2024
Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | ||||||
Class Code | Class Description | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | FLSA |
2215 | Administrative Specialist I | $6,529 | $7,935 | $6,691 | $8,131 | $6,880 | $8,367 | N |
2216 | Administrative Specialist II | $7,185 | $8,731 | $7,359 | $8,946 | $7,573 | $9,204 | E |
2356 | Administrative Support Technician | $4,687 | $5,694 | $4,799 | $5,833 | $4,935 | $6,003 | N |
2482 | Appellate Court Attorney, A | $6,521 | $6,521 | $6,685 | $6,685 | $6,875 | $6,875 | E |
2483 | Appellate Court Attorney, B | $7,895 | $10,028 | $8,089 | $10,274 | $8,319 | $10,572 | E |
2484 | Appellate Court Attorney, C | $8,680 | $11,029 | $8,891 | $11,301 | $9,148 | $11,625 | E |
2485 | Appellate Court Attorney, D | $9,987 | $13,332 | $10,234 | $13,659 | $10,532 | $14,052 | E |
2594 | Appellate Court Budget Analyst | $9,426 | $11,448 | $9,658 | $11,737 | $9,943 | $12,082 | E |
2355 | Appellate Court Records Assistant | $3,915 | $4,762 | $4,011 | $4,878 | $4,127 | $5,020 | N |
2234 | Assistant Chief Supervising Attorney, CA Supreme Court | - | - | - | - | $19,358 | $25,220 | E |
2211 | Assistant Clerk/Executive Officer | $14,653 | $18,136 | $15,020 | $18,580 | $15,461 | $19,123 | E |
2210 | Assistant Clerk/Executive Officer – SA | $15,094 | $18,681 | $15,473 | $19,137 | $15,924 | $19,697 | E |
2205 | Assistant Clerk/Executive Officer Supreme Court | - | - | - | - | $17,420 | $21,374 | E |
2576 | Assistant Court Building Supervisor | $5,331 | $6,477 | $5,464 | $6,640 | $5,625 | $6,831 | N |
2341 | Assistant Deputy Clerk I | $4,413 | $5,364 | $4,520 | $5,495 | $4,653 | $5,654 | N |
2342 | Assistant Deputy Clerk II | $4,850 | $5,900 | $4,971 | $6,046 | $5,115 | $6,219 | N |
2343 | Assistant Deputy Clerk III | $5,336 | $6,490 | $5,468 | $6,650 | $5,625 | $6,841 | N |
2218 | Assistant Law Librarian I | $6,529 | $7,935 | $6,691 | $8,131 | $6,880 | $8,367 | N |
2219 | Assistant Law Librarian II | $7,185 | $8,731 | $7,359 | $8,946 | $7,573 | $9,204 | N |
2367 | Automatic Appeals Unit Supervisor | $8,196 | $9,962 | $8,397 | $10,208 | $8,640 | $10,501 | E |
2207 | Calendar Coordinator | $9,793 | $11,905 | $10,034 | $12,198 | $10,325 | $12,548 | E |
2104 | Capital Appointment Advisor | $9,987 | $13,332 | $10,234 | $13,659 | $10,532 | $14,052 | E |
2103 | Capital Appointment Coordinator | $7,185 | $8,731 | $7,359 | $8,946 | $7,573 | $9,204 | E |
2469 | Chief Supervising Attorney, CA Supreme Court | - | - | - | - | $20,376 | $26,548 | E |
2208 | Clerk/Executive Officer | $16,120 | $19,950 | $16,522 | $20,439 | $17,007 | $21,034 | E |
2204 | Clerk/Executive Officer Supreme Court | - | - | - | - | $19,162 | $23,512 | E |
2542 | Court Building Supervisor | $5,862 | $7,123 | $6,007 | $7,302 | $6,183 | $7,517 | N |
2543 | Court of Appeal Managing Attorney to the APJ | $16,120 | $19,950 | $16,522 | $20,439 | $17,007 | $21,034 | E |
2231 | Court Systems Administrator | $6,543 | $8,352 | $6,704 | $8,558 | $6,898 | $8,803 | N |
2232 | Court Technology Manager | $10,611 | $12,900 | $10,876 | $13,222 | $11,195 | $13,608 | E |
2364 | Custodian | $3,368 | $4,096 | $3,451 | $4,198 | $3,549 | $4,319 | N |
2344 | Deputy Clerk | $5,870 | $7,137 | $6,014 | $7,313 | $6,186 | $7,523 | N |
2363 | Executive Judicial Assistant to APJ | $6,783 | $8,243 | $6,951 | $8,446 | $7,150 | $8,693 | N |
2460 | Executive Judicial Assistant to Chief | $7,475 | $9,089 | $7,663 | $9,310 | $7,883 | $9,583 | N |
2528 | Executive Secretary to Clerk/Executive Officer | $6,460 | $7,852 | $6,620 | $8,043 | $6,811 | $8,279 | N |
2466 | Executive Secretary to Clerk/Executive Officer of Supreme Court | $6,460 | $7,852 | $6,620 | $8,043 | $6,811 | $8,279 | N |
2518 | Graduate Legal Assistant | $5,058 | $5,578 | $5,184 | $5,714 | $5,334 | $5,883 | N |
2360 | Judicial Assistant | $6,165 | $7,493 | $6,318 | $7,676 | $6,498 | $7,899 | N |
2362 | Judicial Assistant to Appellate Justice | $6,471 | $7,867 | $6,627 | $8,062 | $6,824 | $8,292 | N |
2368 | Judicial Assistant to SC Justice | $6,783 | $8,243 | $6,951 | $8,446 | $7,150 | $8,693 | N |
2228 | Judicial Center Law Librarian | $9,863 | $11,987 | $10,106 | $12,281 | $10,399 | $12,636 | E |
2357 | Judicial Secretary I | $4,621 | $5,618 | $4,736 | $5,758 | $4,871 | $5,921 | N |
2358 | Judicial Secretary II | $5,086 | $6,180 | $5,208 | $6,332 | $5,361 | $6,513 | N |
2564 | Law Clerk | $5,738 | $6,974 | $5,883 | $7,148 | $6,054 | $7,358 | E |
2217 | Law Librarian | $7,892 | $9,588 | $8,088 | $9,826 | $8,318 | $10,109 | E |
2222 | Law Library Technician I | $3,972 | $4,829 | $4,071 | $4,948 | $4,187 | $5,090 | N |
2226 | Law Library Technician II | $4,369 | $5,311 | $4,477 | $5,441 | $4,606 | $5,599 | N |
2486 | Lead Appellate Court Attorney | $13,088 | $15,468 | $13,409 | $15,846 | $13,796 | $16,305 | E |
2365 | Lead Custodian | $3,706 | $4,509 | $3,796 | $4,619 | $3,907 | $4,750 | N |
2359 | Lead Judicial Secretary | $5,336 | $6,490 | $5,468 | $6,650 | $5,625 | $6,841 | N |
2497 | Lead Supreme Court Attorney | $13,088 | $15,468 | $13,409 | $15,846 | $13,796 | $16,305 | E |
2558 | Legal Advisor I (SC Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions) | $7,895 | $10,028 | $8,089 | $10,274 | $8,319 | $10,572 | E |
2559 | Legal Advisor II (SC Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions) | $8,680 | $11,029 | $8,891 | $11,301 | $9,148 | $11,625 | E |
2561 | Legal Advisor III (SC Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions) | $9,987 | $13,332 | $10,234 | $13,659 | $10,532 | $14,052 | E |
2562 | Legal Advisor IV (SC Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions) | $11,307 | $15,091 | $11,584 | $15,461 | $11,918 | $15,907 | E |
2467 | Legal Editorial Assistant | $6,168 | $7,494 | $6,320 | $7,682 | $6,503 | $7,901 | N |
2472 | Managing Appellate Court Attorney | $16,120 | $19,950 | $16,522 | $20,439 | $17,007 | $21,034 | E |
2347 | Office Assistant I | $3,109 | $3,781 | $3,184 | $3,875 | $3,278 | $3,987 | N |
2348 | Office Assistant II | $3,421 | $4,158 | $3,503 | $4,259 | $3,605 | $4,383 | N |
2349 | Office Technician I | $3,493 | $4,248 | $3,579 | $4,353 | $3,681 | $4,477 | N |
2350 | Office Technician II | $3,842 | $4,668 | $3,935 | $4,784 | $4,048 | $4,922 | N |
2468 | Principal Attorney to Chief Justice | - | - | - | - | $19,868 | $25,884 | E |
2571 | Procurement Specialist | $5,408 | $6,576 | $5,541 | $6,740 | $5,702 | $6,932 | N |
2529 | Receptionist I | $3,650 | $4,437 | $3,742 | $4,550 | $3,851 | $4,681 | N |
2532 | Receptionist II | $4,018 | $4,884 | $4,117 | $5,005 | $4,238 | $5,147 | N |
2481 | Reporter of Decisions | $15,667 | $18,511 | $16,050 | $18,971 | $16,514 | $19,519 | E |
2598 | Retired Annuitant | $0 | $25,163 | $0 | $25,792 | $0 | $26,548 | Other |
2527 | Senior Administrative Support Technician | $5,157 | $6,260 | $5,280 | $6,419 | $5,434 | $6,600 | N |
2470 | Senior Appellate Court Attorney | $11,307 | $15,091 | $11,584 | $15,461 | $11,918 | $15,907 | E |
2024 | Senior Court Systems Administrator | $7,522 | $9,606 | $7,710 | $9,840 | $7,929 | $10,122 | N |
2345 | Senior Deputy Clerk | $6,460 | $7,852 | $6,620 | $8,043 | $6,811 | $8,279 | N |
2462 | Senior Executive Judicial Assistant to the Chief Justice | $7,849 | $9,543 | $8,046 | $9,776 | $8,276 | $10,063 | N |
2526 | Senior Law Library Technician | $4,805 | $5,842 | $4,924 | $5,985 | $5,066 | $6,158 | N |
2563 | Senior Legal Advisor (SC Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions) | $13,088 | $15,468 | $13,409 | $15,846 | $13,796 | $16,305 | E |
2522 | Senior Office Technician | $4,225 | $5,134 | $4,331 | $5,262 | $4,455 | $5,412 | N |
2475 | Senior Supreme Court Attorney | $11,307 | $15,091 | $11,584 | $15,461 | $11,918 | $15,907 | E |
2533 | Senior Supreme Court Paralegal | $6,152 | $7,481 | $6,305 | $7,664 | $6,487 | $7,885 | N |
2570 | Settlement Conference/Mediation Program Administrator | $7,108 | $8,637 | $7,288 | $8,853 | $7,498 | $9,111 | E |
2227 | Settlement Conference/Mediation Program Coordinator | $6,460 | $7,852 | $6,620 | $8,043 | $6,811 | $8,279 | N |
2213 | Special Collections Librarian/Archivist | $7,892 | $9,588 | $8,088 | $9,826 | $8,318 | $10,109 | E |
2585 | Special Consultant | $0 | $25,163 | $0 | $25,792 | $0 | $26,548 | Other |
2233 | Supervising Administrative Specialist | $7,892 | $9,588 | $8,088 | $9,826 | $8,318 | $10,109 | E |
2471 | Supervising Appellate Court Attorney | $15,254 | $18,025 | $15,628 | $18,471 | $16,079 | $19,005 | E |
2366 | Supervising Custodian | $4,263 | $5,182 | $4,365 | $5,310 | $4,493 | $5,461 | N |
2346 | Supervising Deputy Clerk | $8,489 | $10,321 | $8,698 | $10,574 | $8,950 | $10,879 | E |
2461 | Supervising Executive Judicial Assistant to Chief | $8,241 | $10,020 | $8,448 | $10,265 | $8,691 | $10,567 | N |
2361 | Supervising Judicial Assistant | $6,471 | $7,869 | $6,631 | $8,062 | $6,822 | $8,295 | N |
2477 | Supervising Supreme Court Attorney | $16,120 | $19,950 | $16,522 | $20,439 | $17,007 | $21,034 | E |
2491 | Supreme Court Attorney, A | $6,521 | $6,521 | $6,685 | $6,685 | $6,875 | $6,875 | E |
2492 | Supreme Court Attorney, B | $7,895 | $10,028 | $8,089 | $10,274 | $8,319 | $10,572 | E |
2494 | Supreme Court Attorney, C | $8,680 | $11,029 | $8,891 | $11,301 | $9,148 | $11,625 | E |
2495 | Supreme Court Attorney, D | $9,987 | $13,332 | $10,234 | $13,659 | $10,532 | $14,052 | E |
2499 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, A | $6,521 | $6,521 | $6,685 | $6,685 | $6,875 | $6,875 | E |
2500 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, B | $7,895 | $10,028 | $8,089 | $10,274 | $8,319 | $10,572 | E |
2502 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, C | $8,680 | $11,029 | $8,891 | $11,301 | $9,148 | $11,625 | E |
2503 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, D | $9,987 | $13,332 | $10,234 | $13,659 | $10,532 | $14,052 | E |
2505 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, E | $11,307 | $15,091 | $11,584 | $15,461 | $11,918 | $15,907 | E |
2507 | Supreme Court Chambers Attorney, F | $13,088 | $15,468 | $13,409 | $15,846 | $13,796 | $16,305 | E |
2572 | Supreme Court Chambers Law Clerk, A | $7,890 | $7,890 | $8,086 | $8,086 | $8,319 | $8,319 | E |
2573 | Supreme Court Chambers Law Clerk, B | $8,955 | $8,955 | $9,178 | $9,178 | $9,448 | $9,448 | E |
2574 | Supreme Court Chambers Law Clerk, C | $10,021 | $10,021 | $10,271 | $10,271 | $10,572 | $10,572 | E |
2463 | Supreme Court Paralegal I | $5,087 | $6,181 | $5,209 | $6,333 | $5,363 | $6,515 | N |
2464 | Supreme Court Paralegal II | $5,593 | $6,799 | $5,731 | $6,966 | $5,897 | $7,168 | N |
2536 | Supreme Court Records Supervisor | $6,392 | $7,771 | $6,551 | $7,965 | $6,741 | $8,194 | E |
2209 | Supreme Court Supervising Court Systems Administrator | $8,651 | $11,046 | $8,867 | $11,322 | $9,126 | $11,654 | E |
2538 | Supreme Court Supervising Deputy Clerk | - | - | - | - | $10,325 | $12,548 | E |