Tips for Job Applicants

Job Search Tips

Clicking a link will scroll to the relevant section below.


Getting Started/Finding Jobs
How to view job postings, login, and plan your application.
Applying for a Job 
Hours of system operation, technical hints, attachments, contact information, etc.   If you prefer a paper application, download the Employment Application.
After Application Submittal
Receipt of your application and application status.
Additional Helpful Tips
Companion guide to applying online with step-by-step instructions.

Getting Started/Finding Jobs

Hours of System Operation
The Human Resources and Education Management System's current hours of operation are 3:30am to 12:30am Pacific Standard Time. The system is shut down from 12:30am - 3:30am daily for maintenance.

View/Search Job Openings
To view/search for job openings, scroll through the list by clicking the Previous and Next links in the Latest Job Postings section. The job openings listed in the Latest Job Postings section are the most recent job openings. You may also enter search criteria (keyword) into the Keywords box. For more specific search options, click "Advanced Search." In "Advanced Search," you may search jobs by location, job tenure status, job opening ID and posted date. For more information on the search function, click on "Search Tips."

To search and view our job openings, you do not need to register, but you will need to register to apply for a job opening.

To register, select "click here to Register" or "Register Now"

Enter a username and password that you will remember; however, be sure not to use personal information as your password (i.e. birthday, or social security number). Passwords are case sensitive. Click "Register."

With your login and password, you will be able to return to our site at any time to search and apply for jobs, update your application and view your submitted applications. If you experience difficulties with logging in or forget your password, click "Login Help" (located next to Register Now).

Applicant Careers Homepage
After logging into your account, your personalized careers homepage is available to you. This webpage provides a summary of information and recent activity. From here, you can use the search box to search for job openings, view your notifications and latest job postings, and navigate to My Saved Jobs, My Saved Searches and My Career Tools.

My Career Tools
In My Career Tools, you can access your profile, your complete and incomplete applications, view resumes that you have saved and attach cover letters/attachments. Saved resumes appearing in the "Resumes" section cannot be uploaded from My Career Tools; they are uploaded/attached when you apply for a job; however, any resume that you attached during the application process will be viewable in Resumes section of My Career Tools. You may upload a cover letter or attachment in My Career Tools, but please be aware that these attachments are attached to every job for which you apply. If you would like to customize your cover letter, you can paste your cover letter into the same document as your resume when you apply to job openings.

Saving Jobs
While you are viewing job openings, you can select job openings and save them for later by clicking "Save Job." You can access the job openings that you have saved by logging into your account and clicking on "My Saved Jobs" at the top of the page. Jobs openings that have closed will say "This job is no longer available."

Saving Searches
If you are regularly performing searches for job openings, you can save time by saving your search. By saving your search, you do not have input the search criteria (keyword, location, etc) every time you do a search. To save a search, enter your search criteria, click "Save Search" and type a name for your search. To be automatically notified when a job opening that matches your search criteria is posted, you may enter an email address. To run your search, click "My Saved Searches" located at the top of the screen (you must be logged in).

Applying for a Job

Apply to a Job Opening
If you are interested in applying for a job online and you've already registered, you can click the job opening and click "Apply for Job." You will be prompted to register if you have not already. If you prefer to complete a paper application, or are unable to apply online, please download the Employment Application or request a paper application by visiting us at:

Judicial Council of California 
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 5th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102-3688

If you need TDD access, call our TDD line at 415-865-4272.

Attaching Your Resume
When you apply for a job, one of the initial screens will ask you about attaching your resume. You may attach a resume at this point or you may attach your resume at any point in the application process (before submittal). The preferred document type for attachments is Microsoft Word; however, Adobe PDF will be accepted if needed. Attaching a resume does not replace entering your previous employment information into your application. You will still be required to enter this information.

Online Application
To complete an application online, fill out all pages including Preferences, Education and Work Experience, Referral Information and Employment Discharged/Probation History. Fill each section to the best of your ability. Depending on the job opening, you may have to provide a writing sample and/or answer supplemental questions.

Saving Your Application
If, at any time, you would like to leave the application process click "Save" and exit the application (Please note: if you leave your application without clicking "Save," no information will be saved and you will lose all information that you entered into your application). Your information for that specific job application will be saved until you return to complete the application. You may return to your incomplete applications by going to My Career Tools. Incomplete applications have a status of "Draft." In order for your application to be considered, you must complete your application and click "Submit." Draft applications will not be considered. If you fail to complete your application before the job opening closes, your application will not be considered, and you will not be permitted to submit your application for consideration. When the application status is "Applied" in My Career Tools, your application has been correctly submitted.

Required Fields
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. They must be completed before you submit your application. If you have not completed all the required fields, the system will not permit you to submit your application. For example, you are required to complete the Education and Work Experience, Referral Information and Employment Discharged/Probation History sections. Supplemental questions and writing samples are also required where applicable. Upon submittal, the system will indicate what fields need to be filled if you have not completed all required fields.

My Profile
After you have registered and have clicked "Apply for Job," you will be prompted to enter your contact information. You must provide your first and last name, an email address and phone number. You may enter as many email addresses and phone numbers as you like; however, you must designate one email address and phone number as primary. Designating a primary email address and phone number is required to apply to job openings.

Work Experience
If you are still employed at your current job, please type "Still employed" in the Reason for Leaving. In the Work Experience section, required fields include: Start and End Date, Employer, Job Title, Supervisor's Information, Hours per Week, Reason for Leaving, Duties, and City.

Primary and Secondary Education
Primary and Secondary education should be entered for any high school, professional or vocational school attended (not college/university education- this information should be entered in the Post Secondary education section). The school name is a required field for the Primary and Secondary Education section.

Post Secondary Education
Post Secondary Education refers to higher level education beyond high school. You must choose a university or school from the drop down list. If your university or school is not in the drop down list, please select "Other" and type the name of your school when the text box appears. Similarly, if you are unable to find your major in the drop down list, select "Other Major" and type your major in the text box when it appears.

Licenses and Certificates
If you are unable to find the name of your license or certificate in the drop down list, please select "Other" and indicate your license or certificate on your resume.

Supplemental Questions
Some job openings have supplemental questions that are required when completing an application. Supplemental questions are located at the bottom of the Education and Work Experience section.

Referral Information
You are required to indicate how you found out about the job opening. You must choose a general selection on the How did you find out about the job? Field (such as Job Board/ Job Website or Professional Organization). Then, please indicate the specific source name when the additional box appears under your general selection. Please be as specific as possible and fill all boxes and fields as appropriate. If your specific referral source is not included in our list, select "Other" and type the name of the source in the Other field.

Fill out the remaining fields as appropriate.

Employment Discharged/Probation History
You are required to complete the Employment Discharged/Probation History section on every application submitted. If you select "Yes," you must provide details in the adjacent text box in order to submit your application.

Submitting Your Application
We strongly suggest that you review all information before submitting your application. After you click the "Submit" button, you will be asked to fill out the Self Identification and Terms and Agreement sections. Please read these sections carefully, as you must agree to the Terms & Agreement section in order to officially submit your application. After official submittal, you should see a confirmation message stating that you have successfully submitted your application. You should also receive an email message stating that your application was successfully submitted. You will be directly contacted by a recruiter should an interview be requested.

After Submittal

View Your Applications
To view your applications, log into your account and go to "My Career Tools." Click the name of the job opening for which you applied. You will be able to view the application that you submitted.

Print Your Applications
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to print your applications. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please go to to download the program.

To print your application, log into your account, go to "My Career Tools" and click "Print Application." An Adobe PDF version of your application will appear in a new window or tab. Click the print icon or select File>Print to print your application. You can only print one application at a time. If you have a pop-up blocker, please disable or override it temporarily.

Additional Helpful Tips

Changing Your Password
To change your password, log into your account and go to "My Profile" located under My Career Tools. Click "Change Password," and follow the instructions to change your password.

Updating Your Contact Information
If you would like to update your contact information, log into your account and go to "My Profile" under My Career Tools. In My Profile, you can update your phone number, email address and mailing address. Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to save all changes. Your contact information will be updated in all current and past applications that you have submitted.

Help/More Information
If you need more help or you have questions, log into your account and click "Help" in the upper right corner. If, after reading these Tips for Applicants and using the "Help" section in the upper right corner, you are still unable to find an answer to your question, please contact us at