Reunification Month

National Reunification Month is a time to celebrate families and communities, and to raise awareness about the importance of family reunification for children in foster care. The courts acknowledge the hard-work and determination of parents who accomplish the goal of reunifying with their children, as well as the dedicated professionals that support them.
Visit the ABA Center on Children and the Law Website for planning tools, publications and more information on how to participate in Reunification Month, or see below for more resources:
Together Again: A Day of Celebration This book, written from a child’s perspective, seeks to describe the challenges that face children and families going through the dependency process, and celebrate the important accomplishments of parents and the professionals that support them in their efforts toward reunification. The book also includes a “Certificate of Reunification” to commemorate the date of reunification. Printable versions are available below.
- Together Again: A Day of Celebration (color)
- Together Again: A Day of Celebration (black and white)
- Certificate of Reunification
Juvenile Dependency Court Orientation Video
This 13-minute video explains the dependency court process to parents who have had children removed from their care. It describes detention, jurisdiction, disposition, and review hearings, as well as the parents’ opportunity to participate in reunification services.
The Juvenile Dependency Court and You – A Guide for Parents
This guide describes the dependency court process in California. It also includes the story of one parent who went through the dependency system and her advice to you on how to get your children back home.
Printable English version in black and white
Printable English version in color
Printable Spanish version in black and white
Printable Spanish version in color