Court-Related Legislation
Find information on legislation affecting the courts, including judicial branch legislative and budget priorities, legislative status reports, and annual legislative summaries.
Judicial Branch Legislative and Budget Priorities
General overview and more detailed information on key judicial branch issues for the 2021-2022 Legislative Session.
Complete Legislative Information
View the text of legislation that has been introduced, passed, chaptered, or enrolled.
Note: Use the blue “Bill Information” button on the bottom of the homepage to search for a bill. Use the other blue buttons to access the daily files for the Senate and the Assembly, the California Statutory Codes, and other legislative publications.
Court-Related Legislation (Current Year)
Find all court-related legislation that has been introduced during the current session. Current legislation is organized according to its impact area. For example, to view currently pending legislation in the area of civil law, click on the link entitled "Civil."
Legislative Status Charts (1999-Current)
During the legislative year and on an annual basis, the Office of Governmental Affairs prepares a chart showing the status of legislation considered by the Judicial Council’s Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee. The chart provides details such as the source of the bill, the bill's current status, and the council’s position on the bill.
Annual Legislative Summary (2005-Current)
Review all court-related legislation passed in a particular legislative year.