California Rules of Court 2025

Standard 10.5. The role of the judiciary in the community

(a) Community outreach an official judicial function

Judicial participation in community outreach activities should be considered an official judicial function to promote public understanding of and confidence in the administration of justice. This function should be performed in a manner consistent with the California Code of Judicial Ethics.

(Subd (a) lettered effective January 1, 2007; adopted as part of unlettered subdivision effective April 1, 1999.)

(b) Encouraged outreach activities

The judiciary is encouraged to:

(1) Provide active leadership within the community in identifying and resolving issues of access to justice within the court system;

(2) Develop local education programs for the public designed to increase public understanding of the court system;

(3) Create local mechanisms for obtaining information from the public about how the court system may be more responsive to the public's needs;

(4) Serve as guest speakers, during or after normal court hours, to address local civic, educational, business, and charitable groups that have an interest in understanding the court system but do not espouse a particular political agenda with which it would be inappropriate for a judicial officer to be associated; and

(5) Take an active part in the life of the community where the participation of the judiciary will serve to increase public understanding and promote public confidence in the integrity of the court system.

(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2007.)

Standard 10.5 amended and renumbered effective January 1, 2007; adopted as sec. 39 effective April 1, 1999.