California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 9.3. Inherent power of Supreme Court

(a) Inherent power over admissions

The Supreme Court has the inherent power to admit persons to practice law in California. The State Bar serves as the administrative arm of the Supreme Court for admissions matters and in that capacity acts under the authority and at the direction of the Supreme Court. The Committee of Bar Examiners, acting under authority delegated to it by the State Bar Board of Trustees, is authorized to administer the requirements for admission to practice law, to examine all applicants for admission, and to certify to the Supreme Court for admission those applicants who fulfill the admission requirements.

(b) Inherent jurisdiction over practice of law

Nothing in this chapter may be construed as affecting the power of the Supreme Court to exercise its inherent jurisdiction over the practice of law in this state.

Rule 9.3 amended effective January 1, 2019; adopted effective January 1, 2018.