Update: December 22, 2021
Notice of Intent to Award
Update: December 14, 2021
Notice of Tech Scores and Cost Opening
Update: November 29, 2021
Questions and Answers
December 3, 2021 NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. PACIFIC TIME
The Judicial Council of California (JCC) is the chief policy making agency of the California judicial system. The Center for Families, Children & the Courts of the JCC (CFCC) is dedicated to improving the quality of justice and services to meet the diverse needs of children, youth, families, and self-represented litigants in the California courts. CFCC has implemented the Federally Funded Dependency Representation Program to further the goal of improving the quality of court-appointed counsel in juvenile dependency proceedings and maximizing the resources available for those services.
The JCC seeks written proposals for a solution and accompanying professional services of a person or entity with expertise in hosting and maintaining a web-based caseload management system (CMS) that generates invoices and maintains legacy data and reporting. The purpose of this Project is to provide dependency attorneys access to a web-based solution that will not be hosted locally at a JCC facility. Proposers should clearly indicate in the proposal whether they are proposing a vendor Software As A Service, a locally deployed system, or both. This Request for Proposal is the means for prospective service providers to submit their qualifications and request selection as a service provider.
Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to solicitations@jud.ca.gov and must be received no later than 3pm PST, November 22, 2021.
- CFCC-2021-107RB-RFP
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-1-Admin-Rules
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-2-Std-Agmt
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-3-Accept-TCs
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-4-Gen-Certs
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-5-Small-Biz
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-6-Payee-Data
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-7-Iran-Act
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-8-Unruh
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Attach-9-Darfur
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix A-Business_and_Functional_Requirements
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix-B-Training Reqs
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix-C-Configuration_Reqs
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix D-Case-Mngt-Billing-Solution-Costing
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix E-Testing-Reqs
- CFCC-2021-107RB-Appendix F-RFP-Response-Template
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.