
A number of publications on procedural fairness have been developed:

Opinions as the Voice of the Court(2012) This discusses the importance of supreme courts to issue written opinions in a way that more effectively communicates the fairness of the process. The published paper was developed by members of the Harvard Executive Session for State Court Leaders.

Procedural Fairness in California: Initiatives, Challenges, and Recommendations(May 2011). Prepared by the Center for Court Innovation, this highlights initiatives under way in California's civil and traffic courts, and recommends ways to enhance and improve public perceptions of procedural fairness.

Court Review – Procedural Fairness Issue (Oct. 2008) (3.57 MB) Court Review, the journal of the American Judges Association, has published a special issue on procedural fairness. The issue contains an article devoted to California's efforts and AOC plans to create a resource guide for the courts on procedural fairness.

The Operational Plan for California's Judicial Branch (2008-2011) (5.8 MB) The operational plan sets forth specific objectives and desired outcomes for achieving the goals stated in Justice in Focus during the next three years (adopted April 2008).

Justice in Focus: The Strategic Plan for California's Judicial Branch (2006-2012) (9.31 MB)States the goals and policies of the California judicial system. Developed under the direction of the Judicial Council, and informed by a wide variety of stakeholders, the goals and policies articulate the values that are vital to the effective administration of justice in the state.

Public Trust and Confidence (2005-2006) Learn about the statewide survey of the public and practicing attorneys, as well as subsequent focus groups conducted with court users and judicial branch members, regarding their trust and confidence levels in the California courts.

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