Court Realignment Data Collection

Realignment Data Collection Process

Pursuant to Penal Code § 13155, the Judicial Council of California must collect data from the trial courts regarding the implementation of the 2011 Criminal Justice Realignment Legislation. This legislative mandate for data collection was included n the FY 12/13 budget trailer bill, giving the branch the authority to specify the data elements (updated December 2019) to be collected.

Please note that changes have been made to the realignment data elements. These revised data elements now include 3 additional items (#34-36) to collect workload data related to Proposition 47, 3 additional items (#37-39) to collect workload data related to Proposition 64, and 10 additional items (#40-40A) to collect data related to AB 1810 (mental health diversion).

Please contact Criminal Justice Services with questions: 415-865-8994,

Data are due quarterly and should be submitted using the Online Data Reporting Instrument.

Court Realignment Data Reports

These reports include annual statistics for each county regarding the dispositions of felonies at sentencing and petitions to revoke probation, post-release community supervision and mandatory supervision.

Data Dashboards: Trends in Felony Court Case Processing

Interactive dashboards displaying quarterly court data on felony sentencing, petitions for modification/revocation of supervision, and warrants for failures to appear in felony cases can be found here. Use the dashboards to visualize trends over time and compare counties to the statewide average.

Information regarding data definitions and submitting data can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions document.