1, 5 Electronic recording is not authorized except in limited civil, misdemeanor, and infraction proceedings when a court reporter is unavailable (Gov. Code, § 69957(a)).
2, 6 Courts were asked to provide the number of hearings without a verbatim record and the number of total hearings for each of these case types or in the aggregate. Where a court provided the number of hearings without a verbatim record for a case type but not the corresponding total hearings (or vice versa), that case type data was removed from the data set.
3 Jameson, supra, 5 Cal.5th at 608, fn. 1.
4 Courts must also provide an official court reporter in civil cases when a party with a fee waiver requests one, and the proceeding cannot otherwise be electronically recorded.
7 Covering all case types where a court reporter is required or electronic recording is not authorized.
8 Court reporter need is calculated by adapting the approach used in the Resource Assessment Study (www.courts.ca.gov/29305.htm). For all case types except misdemeanor, infraction, and limited civil, where Government Code Section 69957 permits electronic recording, the latest biennial Judicial Workload Assessment (https://www.courts.ca.gov/12922.htm) is multiplied by a factor of 1.25 or, for Civil Unlimited and Estates and Trust, 0.6125.
9 Reported in surveys completed by California trial courts. Courts have been asked to report explicitly in FTEs since April 2023. Before then, we must assume that counts reported are FTEs and not simple headcounts.
10 Department of Consumer Affairs data portal, www.dca.ca.gov/data/annual_license_stats.shtml.
11 Court Reporters Board: April 4, 2024, Board Meeting Packet, www.courtreportersboard.ca.gov/about-us/20240404_packet.pdf.
12 Department of Consumer Affairs, Licensee List (as of Jan. 2025), www.dca.ca.gov/consumers/public_info/index.shtml.
13 Estimation based on data collected in a December 2023 survey of California Trial Courts.
14 Court Reporters Board: April 4, 2024, Board Meeting Packet, www.courtreportersboard.ca.gov/about-us/20240404_packet.pdf.
15 Only eight court reporting programs recognized by the state remain open (down from 17 schools in 2010), www.courtreportersboard.ca.gov/applicants/school_info.shtml. However, students may also qualify for California’s Certified Shorthand Reporter exam by obtaining national certification demonstrating proficiency in machine shorthand reporting or voice writing.
16 Court Reporters Board, School Examination Statistics, www.courtreportersboard.ca.gov/applicants/examstats.shtml.
17 Median value of estimated salary and benefit costs statewide by the filled court reporter FTEs, Schedule 7A.
18 Data provided by a survey of 49 private consumer attorneys. It is unknown how much of the court reporter rate charged by companies is provided to the reporter in the form of compensation and how much is kept by the company.
19 Sen. Bill 170 (Stats. 2021, ch. 240).
20 2022–23 Schedule 7A total court statewide transcript expenditures, excluding Electronic Recording.
21 Surveys completed by California Trial Courts.