Research and data

Judicial Officer Demographics

Data updated December 2024


Each year the Judicial Council surveys California judges and justices to get a snapshot of the demographic makeup of California's judges. Government Code section 12011.5(n) requires the Judicial Council to collect and release aggregate data from this survey by March 1 each year. Responding to the questionnaire is voluntary, and the data only reflects the responses provided.

Why this matters

California’s judicial branch serves an increasingly diverse population. To serve the people of California effectively, public servants in the judicial branch should be representative of the state's diversity.  The Judicial Council recently updated its Strategic Plan for California’s Judicial Branch, making explicit the branch’s commitment to a diverse and inclusive court system. 

The charts below track changes in key demographic characteristics of the California bench over time, including gender, sexual orientation & gender identity, race & ethnicity, as well as veteran or disability status. The data reflects demographic background information self-reported by justices and judges on the bench as of December 31, 2024, with a response rate of over 93%. Use the dashboard at the bottom of the page to explore by court and demographic characteristic. 

Explore by:  

1. Gender

2. Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity 

3. Race & Ethnicity

4. Veteran & Disability Status

5. All data by court and demographic characteristics


The percentage of female justices and judges has increased to 41%, compared to 26% in 2006, continuing a steady upward trend. 

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This is the 14th year that the study includes data on gender identity and sexual orientation, as required by a law passed in 2011. More than 80% of respondents provided information about gender identity/sexual orientation.


Race & Ethnicity

Since 2006, there has been an increase in the percentage of respondents reported in all BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) categories. The most dramatic increase was seen in Hispanic, Asian, and Black judicial officers.

These changes reflect judicial retirements and other departures from the bench, new judicial appointments, and an increase in the number of trial court judges who voluntarily provided race/ethnicity information. 


Veteran & Disability Status

In addition, this is the 11th year that the study includes data on veteran and disability status. These questions were first asked of justices and judges who were new to the bench during the 2014 calendar year. Judges appointed before this date are free to update this aspect of their demographic profile as well.


“A judiciary that looks like California fulfills our democratic ideal of equal and impartial justice under law.” 

Secretary Luis Céspedes, Judicial Appointments Secretary to Governor Gavin Newsom

Explore all data

Filter the data by courts and specific demographics to focus on trends in specific California counties. 

Prior Years of Judicial Officer Demographic Data


  1. Government Code section 12011.5(n) requires the Judicial Council to collect and release aggregate demographic data on California state justices and judges by March 1 every year. This is the report’s 18th year.  
  2. Responding to the questionnaire is voluntary for judges, and the data only reflects the responses provided. 
  3. Race and ethnicity category descriptions were adapted from definitions used by the U.S. Census Bureau in Census 2020.
  4. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity data began collection in 2012
  5. Court specific data was not collected in the survey prior to 2013
  6. Veteran and Disability data began collection in 2014