
CFCC is involved in many juvenile delinquency projects aimed at improving the juvenile justice system. As a result, CFCC produces publications and other resources to provide information to court professionals, justice partners, and the public. Resources related to delinquency, generally, and some specialty issues such as truancy and human trafficking can be found below with breakout sections for evidence-based practice, restorative justice, and information for victims. Also featured are local county protocols on competency to stand trial.

Proposition 64: The Adult Use of Marijuana Act

Information about Proposition 64, the "Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act," including application to juvenile adjudications, is located here.

Delinquency Resources

Developing Effective Practices in Juvenile Delinquency Caseflow Management (2006)
Based on a previous analysis of caseflow management and the processing of cases in criminal and family courts, the Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children & the Courts completed a survey of current caseflow management techniques in juvenile delinquency courts. It identifies the major caseflow management issues facing California juvenile delinquency judges, attorneys, probation officers, court administrators, and court staff and provides examples of practices in use in California courts.

Effective Representation of Children in Juvenile Delinquency Court (2017)
This brochure provides juvenile court defense attorneys with both guidance on fulfilling the requirements of rule 5.663 of the California Rules of Court and suggestions for effective advocacy beyond what is mandated by law.  Print version. (Brochure can be printed on double-sided legal paper).

Human Trafficking Cases in California’s Courts: Successful Practices in the Emerging Field of Human Trafficking (December 2012)
This briefing discusses the definition and scope of human trafficking, risk factors for becoming a trafficking victim, the dynamics of how perpetrators maintain trafficking victims, and how trafficking cases present themselves in courtrooms.

Human Trafficking in California: Toolkit for Judicial Officers (2017) contains information that is useful and relevant to judicial officers who may come across the variety of cases in which a sex trafficking victim may be a party or witness.

Juvenile Delinquency Court Assessment (2008)
The Juvenile Delinquency Court Assessment was a comprehensive research study of the California delinquency court system based on surveys and focus groups conducted with delinquency court professionals and court users.

Juvenile Delinquency Flow Chart (2018)
Nonminor Dependent Flow Chart (2018)
This flow chart outlines how a delinquency case moves through the court system.


Juvenile Delinquency Court Orientation Video  
Transcript (2010)
This 13-minute video helps youth, their parents, and victims of juvenile crime to understand delinquency court. The video walks the viewer through the common types of juvenile hearings and explains what to expect during the course of a typical delinquency court case. It is appropriate for delinquency court waiting rooms, juvenile halls, and attorney or probation offices. 

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice and the Juvenile Delinquency Court: Integrating Justice Practices (December 2012)
This briefing provides an overview of the application of evidence-based practice (EBP) tools and programs in delinquency court, including a discussion of the how the roles of judicial officers, prosecutors, defense, and probation intersect with the EBP in the courtroom.

How Practices and Programs Become Evidence Based: A Review of Juvenile Justice Research(February 2012)
This briefing describes what "evidence based" means and the process by which a practice or program becomes a best practice or evidence based. The briefing also details the principles of effective intervention, the principles that must be adhered to in order for practices and programs to be effective.

Juvenile Delinquency Court Performance Measurement as an Evidence-Based Practice(December 2012)
This briefing provides a description of how delinquency court performance measures can inform system evaluation, including an overview of how performance measures can be used to evaluate the impact of evidence-based practices on court-related outcomes.

Screenings and Assessments Used in the Juvenile Justice System - Evaluating Risks and Needs of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (February 2011)
An overview of screening and assessment instruments, including a summary of issues related to instrument validation, selection, and administration.

Screenings and Assessments Used in the Juvenile Justice System - Juvenile Mental Health Screenings and Assessments  (February 2011)
An overview of screening and assessment instruments used to detect mental health problems in juveniles entering the delinquency system.

Screenings and Assessments Used in the Juvenile Justice System - Juvenile Risk and Needs Screenings and Assessments (December 2011)
An overview of risk and needs instruments used in California’s juvenile justice system.

Screenings and Assessments Used in the Juvenile Justice System: Tools for Assessing Sexual Recidivism Risk
(December 2012)
The briefing provides an overview of the prevalence of juvenile sexual offending, recidivism rates, and recent changes to state and federal legislation that apply to juveniles who have committed sexual offenses.

Information for Victims

Information for Victims: Your Rights and Role in the Juvenile Court Process (2021)
This brochure provides basic information to help victims understand the juvenile court process and exercise their rights to information and assistance.

Restitution Basics for Victims of Crimes by Juveniles (June 2012)
An overview of restitution and step by step instruction on how to collect money victims are owed as a result of a juvenile offense. Also available inSpanish.


Restorative Justice

Balanced and Restorative Justice: An Information Manual for California (2006)
This manual catalogs balanced and restorative justice practices and model programs being used in California and around the country. It provides contact information for practitioners and descriptions of practices being followed in local communities. The manual is a resource for the courts, and it encourages judges and community stakeholders to develop collaborative partnerships that can improve outcomes for youth, victims, and communities affected by crime.

Local Court Activities and Documents

Competency to Stand Trial: Local Protocols 

Welfare and Institutions Code section 709 provides the basic legal framework with respect to competency to stand trial in juvenile delinquency cases.  The local protocols below were developed to help guide the court, parties, and justice partners handle competency issues. Note: the protocols from Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Clara are comprehensive and the protocols from Sacramento and San Francisco cover expert witnesses.

Welfare and Institutions Code section 709 also requires the Judicial Council to develop and adopt rules regarding implementation of qualifications for experts who evaluate children when the court or minor’s counsel raises the issue of competency to stand trial in any juvenile proceeding. The Judicial Council adoptedrule 5.645(d) effective January 1, 2012. 

County Protocols