Governmental Affairs

On behalf of the judicial branch, the Judicial Council's Governmental Affairs represents and advocates for the Judicial Council on legislative, policy, and budget matters. The office also works extensively on the judicial branch budget and related matters, meeting with legislators, committees, committee and leadership staff, as well as staff for the Governor and the state Department of Finance.

Court-Related Legislation

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2025 Legislative Calendar

Date Legislative Deadlines
January 1 Statutes take effect (Art. IV, Sec. 8(c)).
January 6 Legislature reconvenes (J.R. 51(a)(1)).
January 10 Budget bill must be submitted by Governor (Art. IV, Sec. 12(a)).
January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed.
January 24 Last day to submit bill requests to the Office of Legislative Counsel.
February 17 Presidents’ Day observed.
February 21 Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(a)(1), J.R. 54(a)).
March 31 Cesar Chavez Day observed.
April 10 Spring Recess begins upon adjournment (J.R. 51(a)(2)).
April 21 Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)).
May 2 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to fiscal
committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)).
May 9 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor nonfiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)).
May 16 Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 9 (J.R. 61(a)(4)).
May 23 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 9 (J.R. 61(a)(6)).
May 26 Memorial Day observed.
June 2-6 Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose except Rules Committee, bills referred pursuant to A.R. 77.2, and Conference Committees (J.R. 61(a)(7)).
June 6 Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house (J.R. 61(a)(8)).
June 9 Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)).
June 15 Budget bill must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12(c)(3)).
July 4 Independence Day observed.
July 18 Last day for policy committees to hear and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)).
Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed (J.R. 51(a)(3)).
August 18 Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)).
August 29 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(11)).
September 1 Labor Day observed.
September 2-12 Floor session only. No committees may meet for any purpose, except Rules Committee, bills referred pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2, and Conference Committees (J.R. 61(a)(12)).
September 5 Last day to amend on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)).
September 12 Last day for each house to pass bills. (J.R. 61(a)(14)).
Interim Recess begins upon adjournment (J.R. 51(a)(4)).

View today's legislative calendar:
Assembly | Senate 

Important Dates Occurring During Final Recess

Date Legislative Deadlines
October 12, 2025 Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature before Sept. 12
and in the Governor’s possession on or after Sept. 12 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1)).
January 1, 2026 Statutes take effect (Art. IV, Sec. 8(c)).
January 5, 2026 Legislature reconvenes (J.R. 51(a)(4)).