Guiding Principles

Judicial Council Guiding Principles

Meeting the needs of the public is the core function

  • Decisions are based on the best interests of the public.
  • Business is conducted with an underlying commitment to equal and timely justice and public access to an independent forum for the resolution of disputes.
  • Ongoing civic education is provided to strengthen trust and confidence in the branch.

Protecting the independence of the branch is crucial in a democracy

  • Decisions aim to strengthen the branch.
  • Plan and advocate for policies, sufficient stable resources, and the infrastructure necessary for the branch to fulfill its mission.

High quality is an expectation throughout the branch

  • Decisions facilitate improvement, effectiveness, and efficiency in the branch.
  • Support a comprehensive judicial branch education and training program in order to maintain a competent, responsive, and ethical judiciary and staff.
  • Establish broad and consistent policies for the operation of the courts as well as appropriate statewide rules of court and court forms.

Accountability is a duty of public service

  • Establish long- and short-term plans that guide the judicial branch and provide quantitative data on progress.
  • Evaluate branch performance to identify needed improvements.
  • Continually monitor and evaluates the use of public funds.