California Rules of Court 2024

Rule 2.950. Sequential list of reporters

During any reported court proceeding, the clerk must keep a sequential list of all reporters working on the case, indicating the date the reporter worked and the reporter's name, business address, and Certified Shorthand Reporter license number. If more than one reporter reports a case during one day, the information pertaining to each reporter must be listed with the first reporter designated "A," the second designated "B," etc. If reporter "A" returns during the same day, that reporter will be designated as both reporter "A" and reporter "C" on the list. The list of reporters may be kept in an electronic database maintained by the clerk; however, a hard copy must be available to members of the public within one working day of a request for the list of reporters.

Rule 2.950 amended and renumbered effective January 1, 2007; adopted as rule 980.4 effective July 1, 1991.