California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 2.516. Remote access to extent feasible

To the extent feasible, a court that maintains records in electronic form must provide remote access to those records to the users described in rule 2.515, subject to the conditions and limitations stated in this article and otherwise provided by law.

Rule 2.516 adopted effective January 1, 2019.

Advisory Committee Comment

This rule takes into account the limited resources currently available in some trial courts. Many courts may not have the financial means, security resources, or technical capabilities necessary to provide the full range of remote access to electronic records authorized by this article. When it is more feasible and courts have had more experience with remote access, these rules may be amended to further expand remote access.

This rule is not intended to prevent a court from moving forward with the limited remote access options outlined in this rule as such access becomes feasible. For example, if it were only feasible for a court to provide remote access to parties who are persons, it could proceed to provide remote access to those users only.