California Rules of Court 2024

Rule 2.500. Statement of purpose

(a) Intent

The rules in this chapter are intended to provide the public, parties, parties' attorneys, legal organizations, court-appointed persons, and government entities with reasonable access to trial court records that are maintained in electronic form, while protecting privacy interests.

(Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2019.)

(b) Benefits of electronic access

Improved technologies provide courts with many alternatives to the historical paper-based record receipt and retention process, including the creation and use of court records maintained in electronic form. Providing access to trial court records that are maintained in electronic form may save the courts, the public, parties, parties' attorneys, legal organizations, court-appointed persons, and government entities time, money, and effort and encourage courts to be more efficient in their operations. Improved access to trial court records may also foster in the public a more comprehensive understanding of the trial court system.

(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2019.)

(c) No creation of rights

The rules in this chapter are not intended to give the public, parties, parties' attorneys, legal organizations, court-appointed persons, and government entities a right of access to any record that they are not otherwise legally entitled to access.

(Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2019; previously amended effective January 1, 2007.)

Rule 2.500 amended effective January 1, 2019; adopted as rule 2070 effective July 1, 2002; previously amended and renumbered effective January 1, 2007.

Advisory Committee Comment

The rules in this chapter acknowledge the benefits that electronic records provide but attempt to limit the potential for unjustified intrusions into the privacy of individuals involved in litigation that can occur as a result of remote access to electronic records. The proposed rules take into account the limited resources currently available in the trial courts. It is contemplated that the rules may be modified to provide greater electronic access as courts' technical capabilities improve and knowledge is gained from the experience of providing electronic access under these rules.