California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 3.845. Form of mediator statements and reports

If a mediator is required to submit a statement or report to the court concerning the status or result of the mediation, the statement or report must be submitted on the Judicial Council Statement of Agreement or Nonagreement (form ADR-100). The mediator's completed form ADR-100 must not disclose the terms of any agreement or any other communications or conduct that occurred in the course of the mediation, except as allowed in Evidence Code sections 1115-1128.

Rule 3.845 adopted effective July 1, 2012.

Advisory Committee Comment

This rule does not preclude courts from asking mediators to provide other information about court-program mediations on separate forms or surveys that do not request any information that will allow identification of a specific case or mediation participant and that will not become part of the court's case file.