California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 3.2206. Lodging and service

The party preparing the administrative record must lodge it with the court and serve it on each party. A record in electronic format must comply with rule 3.2207. A record in paper format must comply with rule 3.2208. If the party preparing the administrative record elects, is required by law, or is ordered to prepare an electronic version of the record, (1) a court may require the party to lodge one copy of the record in paper format, and (2) a party may request the record in paper format and pay the reasonable cost or show good cause for a court order requiring the party preparing the administrative record to serve the requesting party with one copy of the record in paper format.

Rule 3.2206 renumbered and amended effective July 1, 2014; adopted as rule 3.1366 effective January 1, 2010.