California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 3.1202. Contents of application

(a) Identification of attorney or party

An ex parte application must state the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of any attorney known to the applicant to be an attorney for any party or, if no such attorney is known, the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the party if known to the applicant.

(Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2016.)

(b) Disclosure of previous applications

If an ex parte application has been refused in whole or in part, any subsequent application of the same character or for the same relief, although made upon an alleged different state of facts, must include a full disclosure of all previous applications and of the court's actions.

(c) Affirmative factual showing required

An applicant must make an affirmative factual showing in a declaration containing competent testimony based on personal knowledge of irreparable harm, immediate danger, or any other statutory basis for granting relief ex parte.

(Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2007.)

Rule 3.1202 amended effective January 1, 2016; adopted effective January 1, 2007; previously amended effective January 1, 2007.