California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 7.576. Final account of conservator of the estate

(a) Filing and approval of final account

A conservator of the estate whose administration is terminated for any reason, including removal, resignation, or termination of the conservatorship, must file and obtain the court's approval of a final account of the administration.

(b) Delivery of final account of removed or resigned conservator

A conservator of the estate who has resigned or been removed must deliver a copy of the conservator's final account and the petition for its settlement with the notice of hearing required by Probate Code section 1460(b)(1) to the successor conservator of the estate in any manner permitted by Probate Code section 1215, unless the court dispenses with that notice.

(c) Delivery of final account after termination of conservatorship

After termination of a conservatorship, a conservator of the estate must deliver a copy of the conservator's final account and the petition for its settlement with the notice of hearing required by Probate Code section 1460(b)(2)-(3) to both the former conservatee and the spouse or domestic partner of the former conservatee in any manner permitted by Probate Code section 1215, unless the court dispenses with that notice.

Rule 7.576 was adopted effective January 1, 2023.