California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 8.73. Contracts with electronic filing service providers

(a) Right to contract

(1) The court may contract with one or more electronic filing service providers to furnish and maintain an electronic filing system for the court.

(2) If the court contracts with an electronic filing service provider, the court may require electronic filers to transmit the documents to the provider.

(3) If the court contracts with an electronic service provider or the court has an in-house system, the provider or system must accept filing from other electronic filing service providers to the extent the provider or system is compatible with them.

(Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2011.)

(b) Provisions of contract

The court's contract with an electronic filing service provider may allow the provider to charge electronic filers a reasonable fee in addition to the court's filing fee. Whenever possible, the contract should require that the electronic filing service provider agree to waive a fee that normally would be charged to a party when the court orders that the fee be waived for that party. The contract may also allow the electronic filing service provider to make other reasonable requirements for use of the electronic filing system.

(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2017.)

(c) Transmission of filing to court

An electronic filing service provider must promptly transmit any electronic filing and any applicable filing fee to the court.

(Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2011.)

(d) Confirmation of receipt and filing of document

(1) An electronic filing service provider must promptly send to an electronic filer its confirmation of the receipt of any document that the filer has transmitted to the provider for filing with the court.

(2) The electronic filing service provider must send its confirmation to the filer's electronic service address and must indicate the date and time of receipt, in accordance with rule 8.77.

(3) After reviewing the documents, the court must arrange to promptly transmit confirmation of filing or notice of rejection to the electronic filer in accordance with rule 8.77.

(Subd (d) amended effective January 1, 2017; previously amended effective January 1, 2011.)

(e) Ownership of information

All contracts between the court and electronic filing service providers must acknowledge that the court is the owner of the contents of the filing system and has the exclusive right to control the system's use.

Rule 8.73 amended and renumbered effective January 1, 2017; adopted as rule 8.75 effective July 1, 2010; previously amended effective January 1, 2011.