California Rules of Court 2025

Rule 8.10. Definitions and use of terms

Unless the context or subject matter requires otherwise, the definitions and use of terms in rule 1.6 apply to these rules. In addition, the following apply:

(1) "Appellant" means the appealing party.

(2) "Respondent" means the adverse party.

(3) "Party" includes any attorney of record for that party.

(4) "Judgment" includes any judgment or order that may be appealed.

(5) "Superior court" means the court from which an appeal is taken.

(6) "Reviewing court" means the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeal to which an appeal is taken, in which an original proceeding is begun, or to which an appeal or original proceeding is transferred.

(7) The word "briefs" includes petitions for rehearing, petitions for review, and answers thereto. It does not include petitions for extraordinary relief in original proceedings.

(8) "Attach" or "attachment" may refer to either physical attachment or electronic attachment, as appropriate.

(9) "Copy" or "copies" may refer to electronic copies, as appropriate.

(10) "Cover" includes the cover page of a document filed electronically.

(11) "Written" and "writing" include electronically created written materials, whether or not those materials are printed on paper.

Rule 8.10 amended effective January 1, 2016; repealed and adopted as rule 40 effective January 1, 2005; previously amended and renumbered as rule 8.10 effective January 1, 2007.