DUI Court in Schools

The Judicial Council of California developed and implemented the Real DUI Court in Schools Project in 2006 with funding from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). The goal of the program is to lower the number of teen Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offenses in California by effecting change in the attitudes and behavior of youth, for whom traffic collisions are the leading cause of death. This is accomplished by educating teens and parents on the dangers of drinking and DUI through live DUI court trials and sentencing programs conducted in schools.  These programs are among the more promising approaches in DUI prevention today. Arrivealiveca.org is a non-profit organization offering DUI Courts in School programs through a variety of platforms, including live streaming and in-person assemblies. They produced this short video discussing the structure and importance of DUI Courts in Schools. 


DUI Court in Schools Training Manual

The DUI Court in Schools Training Manual was developed for courts and educators who wish to jointly develop a DUI prevention training program in school.

The Training Manual was produced under the direction of the program's planning committee, which consisted of technical and educational experts in the area of teen DUI prevention.