Outreach Activities

Staff at the Office of Governmental Affairs promote effective communications within the judicial branch and with the legislative and executive branches of state government by coordinating and staffing outreach activities with groups such as the Bench/Bar Coalition (BBC), the California Judges Association, and the California Courts Association-Legislative Committee. 

Statewide Bench/Bar Coalition

In 1993, under the leadership of the California Association of Local Bars (CALB), a statewide Bench/Bar Coalition (BBC), (Membership Application) was established to enhance communication and coordinate activities between the judicial community and the state, local, and specialty bars on issues of common interest, particularly in the legislative arena. In addition to conference calls and in-person meetings, the BBC meets with legislators at the State Capitol during "Day in Sacramento" activities.

Bench-Bar Coalition event information and meeting materials can be accessed by clicking on the desired item(s) posted below: 


Day on the Bench

The Day-on-the-Bench is a statewide program co-sponsored by the California Judges Association in which legislators will spend approximately a half day visiting a court in the legislator's district. During the visit, the legislator will observe court proceedings, tour court facilities, meet with a host judge and perhaps the presiding judge and court administrator, and discuss issues of mutual concern about the courts and the judiciary.

The program is designed to give legislators a personal understanding of the volume, complexity, and variety of daily duties and responsibilities of a judge, as well as an understanding of the conditions of the court. This experience is intended to impress upon legislators the significant role played by the courts and the justice system, their impact on the daily lives of Californians, and the need for legislative support.

The Day on the Bench program brings a legislator to a court in his or her district for a half-day visit and tour. Each individually tailored visit is designed to give legislators a personal understanding of the volume, complexity, and variety of daily duties and responsibilities of a judge, as well as the extensive responsibilities of court clerks and administrators.

  • Day on the Bench (DOTB) Planning Guide
    The planning guide includes an overview of the program, planning materials, and legislative information resources. The following forms are also contained in the guide.
    • Program Information Request Form
    • Visit Status Form
    • Host Court Evaluation Form
    • Legislator Meeting Summary
  • Day on the Bench Brochure

Past Activities

Date Event/Location Agenda, Meeting Materials
Monday, June 24, 2024 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Materials
Monday, April 29, 2024 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting

Panel Biographies

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 Bench-Bar Coalition Legislative Day in Sacramento  Materials
Monday, January 29, 2024 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda & Materials
Monday, October 30, 2023 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Friday, September 22, 2023 BBC Fall Membership Meeting 2023 Materials
Monday, July 31, 2023 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 24, 2023 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 27, 2023 Bench-Bar Coalition Day in Sacramento Participant Materials
Monday, January 30, 2023 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 24, 2022 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Friday, September 16, 2022 BBC Fall Membership Virtual Meeting Materials
Monday, July 25, 2022 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda & Materials
Monday, April 25, 2022 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday April 26, 2021 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday, July 26, 2021 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda & Materials
Monday, October 25, 2021 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 24, 2022 BBC Quarterly Membership Virtual Meeting Agenda & Budget Memo

For more information regarding the Bench-Bar Coalition, please contact the Judicial Council of California, Governmental Affairs at 916-323-3121.

Judicial Fellowship Program

The Judicial Council's Governmental Affairs office co-directs the Judicial Fellowship Program which is a partnership between the Judicial Council and the Center for California Studies Capital Fellows Program.

Liaison Program

Related to its advocacy function, the liaison program is the Office of Governmental Affairs' ongoing effort to maintain contact and work cooperatively with groups involved in the judicial system, including the California Judges Association (CJA), the California State Association of Counties (CSAC), the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA), the State Bar, plaintiffs' and defense bars, and others. Where our positions on issues concur, we form alliances to enhance our advocacy efforts. When our positions on particular issues differ, we negotiate to reach agreement whenever possible. Working with other groups toward achieving common goals has been a longstanding historical component of OGA's work.