Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phone System

Project Name: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phone System
Overview/Program Description:
The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system is a methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Many trial courts are implementing this telephonic system to integrate voice and data services to allow for automation efficiencies and advancements that allow better services within the courts and to the public. The system is built and supported by the court's IT staff which results in faster service requests and lower costs.
Program Benefits/Savings:
Courts are able to move to a platform that will improve efficiency and give them control over their telephonic system. The court has reduced incremental cost and enhanced support response time as court was previously paying the county for this service and had delays in response time.
Courts using BidSync:
- Alameda Superior Court
- Butte Superior Court
- Del Norte Superior Court
- Fresno Superior Court
- Imperial Superior Court
- Los Angeles Superior Court
- Marin Superior Court
- Merced Superior Court
- Monterey Superior Court
- Napa Superior Court
- Nevada Superior Court
- Placer Superior Court
- San Bernardino Superior Court
- San Diego Superior Court
- San Francisco Superior Court
- San Mateo Superior Court
- Santa Barbara Superior Court
- Solano Superior Court
- Sonoma Superior Court
- Sutter Superior Court
- Tulare Superior Court