Technology/Digital Court Programs

View innovative Technology/Digital Court-related projects and programs.
The description of the programs below represent efforts by individual trial courts to enhance access
to justice throughout the state. If you are looking for specific guidance on any of these topics, please
visit our Online Self-Help Center.
eCase eXchange - Riverside Superior Court
eCase eXchange is a web-based program, accessed through a secured website, that allows authorized staff to upload and encrypt PDF versions of case files, generate electronic certifications, and produce receipts for record automatically.
e-Courtroom Resource Status Program - Santa Clara Superior Court
An electronic program to track courtroom resource availability, such as court reporters, interpreters, and other necessary courtroom staff.
Online Notice of Intent to Appear and Request Oral Argument - El Dorado Superior Court
Parties responding to law and motion tentative rulings may electronically submit their request for appearance via the court's website. By making the request online, litigants and attorneys are no longer required to appear in court to request oral argument and to set a hearing date.
Sharing of Information Services - Butte and Glenn Superior Courts
Butte Superior Court and Glenn Superior Court entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for Butte Court's Information Services (IS) staff to provide IS support to Glenn Superior Court to allow a small court with limited IS funds to receive comprehensive IS support.
Ticket Service System - Merced Superior Court
The Merced Superior Court's digital "ticket" system uses a web-based application that is displayed around the court’s Self-Help Center on wireless flat screens that have web browsers. The flat screens are then connected to a public-view of the application that automatically refreshed itself to displace the current tickets being served in each of the various queues. The Ticket Service System has a text-to-speech function with support for multiple languages.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phone System
Telephone system that utilizes a court's own high speed network for Internet Protocol (IP)-based voice services.
Related Programs
Admin: Online Employment Recruitment (NeoGov)
An online recruitment tool utilized by court human resources departments.
Court Ordered Debt: Acceptance of Court Payments at Retail Locations and Through online Banking - Riverside Superior Court
Court payments on criminal and infraction cases are accepted at retail locations or through online banking for which private companies serve as processors.
Court Ordered Debt: Automated Payment Processing - San Bernardino Superior Court
An Automated Payment Processing System utilized to batch and post payments to cases in the criminal and traffic case management system.
Court Ordered Debt: Defendant Payment Notification - Riverside Superior Court
Technology that provides payment notification reminders via text messages or e-mails two weeks before each payment is due to the court for criminal, traffic, and juvenile delinquency defendants who have opted-in to the program.
Criminal: Comprehensive Case Flow Management Reports - Riverside Superior Court
Comprehensive criminal and civil case flow reports generated from the court case management system provide judicial leaders with the information necessary to make decisions to allocate resources.
Criminal: Electronic On-Call Warrants - San Bernardino Superior Court
Electronic processing of warrants and probable cause declarations during non-court hours.
Criminal: Online Probable Cause Determinations - Contra Costa Superior Court
A web-based system that allows judicial officers to review probable cause declarations online. The arresting officer and jail are notified in real time to detain or release a detainee.
Criminal: Victim Restitution Notification Program - Monterey Superior Court
Electronic delivery of the Minute Order and Restitution Order to the County Revenue Division.
EDS–FOAH (Electronic Document System–Formal Order After Hearing) - Sacramento Superior Court
The Sacramento Superior Court implemented the Electronic Document System (EDS)-Formal Order After Hearing (FOAH) service that helps litigants receive enforceable court orders after their judgments in one day. With the new system, it only takes a few minutes for the judge to prepare the order and for the parties to receive it. If the parties have a Public Case Access (PCA) account, they can also get email notification and view the FOAH online. This service integrates all of the elements needed to electronically capture a judge's decision, including incorporating pieces of the mediator report, financial calculations, and creates a FOAH in a more efficient and effective manner and more readable format.
Family Law: Family Court Services Online Orientation - Santa Clara Superior Court
An online orientation is now being offered for Family Court Service participants. Parties ordered to attend orientation now have the option of choosing to attend a class in person or online by logging on to their home computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Family Law: Family Law Facilitator's Office Online Workshop (FLOW) Reservation System - San Diego Superior Court
An online system that allows users to schedule appointments for a variety of Family Law Facilitator workshops and download forms to bring with them to the workshops.
Family Law: Mediation Participation by Skype - Santa Clara Superior Court
Litigants in Family Court Services going through the mediation process may appear via Skype to address the needs of litigants who may be unable to participate in person.
Family Law: Notification of Continuance/Settlement Forms - San Diego Superior Court
Using an online system, family law litigants are able to alert the court clerk that one or both of the parties with an upcoming hearing will be requesting a continuance or that the parties have reached a settlement.
Family Law: Online Non-recommending Mediation Orientation Program - Napa Superior Court
An online orientation for non-recommending mediation, developed and created to better prepare for impending mediation in the court Family Court Services department.
Family Law: Robo Call - Santa Clara Superior Court
An automated calling system to provide self represented litigants who have hearings set on the Case Status Conference Calendar with an automated reminder one week prior to their scheduled hearing date.
Jury: My Jury Duty Portal - Los Angeles Superior Court
An online web portal that allows jurors to register, postpone, request excuses or transfers, receive reporting instructions, and access other functions.
Jury: Online Juror Questionnaires - Marin Superior Court
Juror questionnaires are scanned and uploaded to a secure, password-protected webpage that can only be accessed by attorneys and parties who have been granted access to the page, instead of copying questionnaires for all attorneys/parties in a jury trial.
Juvenile Delinquency: Electronic Calendar Date Requests in Juvenile Justice - Santa Clara Superior Court
Requests for continuances are emailed from Probation and the District Attorney directly to the court staff saving time and providing a way to verify continuances were received.
Juvenile Delinquency: Juvenile Justice Video Conferencing Program - Santa Clara Superior Court
Skype technology is used to allow minors in long term placement outside of the county to attend their permanency planning hearings held every six months.
Language: Online Automated Traffic Case Assistant - Los Angeles Superior Court
The Los Angeles Superior Court website provides an automated online assistant, or "avatar" that interacts with customers and provides assistance in six different languages, with various traffic transactions, including paying for a ticket, scheduling a court date, and signing up for traffic school. After asking questions to gather pertinent information, the online assistant guides users to the appropriate traffic court webpage and allows them to navigate through simple, clearly-worded automated prompts to quickly find the services they need.
Language: Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Project for American Sign Language Interpreting - Stanislaus Superior Court
American Sign Language interpreters are available through Video Remote Interpreting using specialized video equipment.
Probate: Mental Health Offsite Hearings - Santa Clara Superior Court
Implementation of video hearings for mental health calendars in probate for patients at a few state hospitals resulting in a reduction in transportation costs and fewer disruptions in treatment for those mental health litigants previously transported to hearings at the courthouse.
Probate: Online Conservatorship Orientation Video Program - San Bernardino Superior Court
The Online Conservatorship Orientation Video Program was developed to enhance services for court users by replacing the current in-person conservatorship orientation program mandated by local rule. The video includes closed captioning options of English for Hard-of Hearing-users and Spanish for Spanish-speaking users. The video program also has links to the California Courts website ( for users to utilize the self-help portion of the website as it relates to conservatorship, probate, seniors, wills, and estates.
Records: Archival Court Reporter Notes (ACORN)
A web-based records archival and retrieval system for court reporter notes.
Records: Online Copy Request - Riverside Superior Court
Using the court's website, customers can order court case documents. Orders are directed to the Court Records Division for fulfillment either on paper, or via e-mail.
Restraining Orders: Domestic Violence E-Fax Filing Program - Riverside Superior Court
Petitioners complete requests for a domestic violence restraining orders online. Requests are then electronically fax filed.
Self-Help: e-Correspondence - Sacramento Superior Court
A web-based service available to parties to submit questions and receive e-mail responses regarding family law cases and legal procedures.
Self-Help: Self Help Conservatorship Clinic (SHC) - Hot Docs for Conservatorship Filings - Los Angeles Superior Court
An interview tool developed by the Judicial Council utilizing the HotDocs program that assists attorneys with quickly completing forms in a self-help setting for Conservatorship filings.
Self-Help: Self-Help Online Workshop Registration - Monterey Superior Court
Family law litigants can register online for the court's self-help workshops, and schedule Self-Help Center appointments.
Self-Help: Small Claims Advisor E-mail Program - Contra Costa Superior Court
A small claims advisor responds to court users' questions via email utilizing a databank of legal topics consisting of over 600 pieces of discreet information.
Self-Help: Small Claims and Self Help Center E-mail Help - Santa Clara Superior Court
An advisor provides e-mail responses through the use of a web form to litigants utilizing e-mail templates that are customized for the customer's issue.
Self-Help: Virtual Self-Help Law Center - Contra Costa Superior Court
A website that provides over 2,500 pages of expert legal information provided in text, video, and audio formats for self-represented litigants in English and Spanish.
Traffic: Court Appearance Reminder System - Los Angeles Superior Court
Automated dialer phone technology reminds defendants of their scheduled court dates and offers the option of paying the citation in lieu of appearing in court.
Traffic: Electronic Filing of Citations - Santa Clara Superior Court
Traffic citations in Santa Clara County are filed electronically by law enforcement agencies and the California Highway Patrol.
Traffic: Paperless Traffic - San Mateo Superior Court
Replacement of individual traffic files with scanned images of all citations that can be viewed electronically by staff and the bench during the hearing.
Traffic: Remote Video Proceedings - Fresno Superior Court
Depending on geographic location, certain violators may elect to appear in traffic court by video conference for traffic arraignment, trials, and related proceedings.
Traffic: Reserve a Court Date Traffic - Orange Superior Court
Customers schedule traffic appearances online, by phone, or at the public counters and on the day of the hearing bypass the traffic counter and report directly to the courtroom.
Traffic: Traffic e-Calendars - Placer Superior Court
Electronic case files and calendaring for the traffic division.
Traffic: Traffic Online Arraignment Date Scheduling - San Mateo Superior Court
A web-based application provides traffic customers the ability to reserve an arraignment date in advance.