Request for Proposal

Web-Based Energy Management Information System, REFM-2016-06-RP

  • Status
  • Archived


Update: May 5, 2017
Non-Cost Scores

Update: May 3, 2017
Intent to Award

Update: April 25, 2017
Public Opening

Update: April 11, 2017
This notice services to advise bidders of the following revisions and additional attachments to this solicitation:RFP - Revision 2
Attachment 15 – Iran Contracting Act Form
Response to Questions Submitted

Please check this RFP’s webpage on a regular basis for any changes and/or updates to the solicitation and timeline.

Update: April 4, 2017

This Notice serves to advise of the following changes to the RFP:

  • The Timeline referenced in Section 3 to the RFP has been revised. Please refer to the RFP for date and time changes regarding demonstrations, evaluations, public opening, Notice of Intent to Award, negotiations of contract, and contract start and end time.

Revisions in the RFP are shown with ‘REVISED’ at the section header and text in bold red font

The Judicial Council’s Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Unit is requesting proposals from highly qualified individuals or firms with expertise to provide hosting services for a Web-Based Energy Management Information System (Energy Dashboard) Software Application. It is anticipated that an agreement will be issued to one Proposer under this RFP.

Proposals Due: April 19, 2017 No Later Than 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Hard copy proposals must be delivered to:
Attention: Robin Parker
RFP No: REFM-2016-06-RP
Judicial Council of California
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688

Further details regarding this solicitation and service requirements are set forth in the RFP and related attachments provided below:

RFP (Updated April 4, 2017)

Attachment 1 – RFP Rules

Attachment 2 – JCC Standard Agreement

Attachment 3 – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Attachment 4 – General Certifications Form

Attachment 5 – Small Business Declaration

Attachment 6 – Payee Data Form

Attachment 7 – Darfur Contracting Act Form

Attachment 8 – Unruh and FEHA Certification Form

Attachment 9 – Statement of Work

Attachment 10 – Technical Requirements

Attachment 11 – Cost Workbook

Attachment 12 – Sample CSV Data File

Attachment 13 – Utility Providers List

Attachment 14 – Questions Form



The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.