The AOC seeks to identify and retain a highly qualified vendor with demonstrated expertise in the assessment of network infrastructure vulnerability to exploitation incidents. The expected vendor would be expected to identify network exploitation vulnerabilities, establish a network vulnerability baseline, and conduct annual network infrastructure vulnerability audit. The AOC intends to award a contract for an initial five (5) month term with up to two (2) one-year renewal options at the AOC’s sole discretion. There will be no pre-proposal bidder’s conference for this Request for Proposal (RFP). Any questions regarding this RFP No. IS-102805 must be sent to solicitations@jud.ca.gov no later than 1:00 p.m., November 17, 2005. For more information please see Section 2.3 of the RFP. Written proposals must be received no later than 1:00 p.m., December 9, 2005. Oral, facsimile, or email submitted proposals will not be accepted. For more information and further details regarding this solicitation, please see the RFP documents.
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.