TopicNon-Facilities Contracts - Consulting Services
The Judicial Council of California, chaired by the Chief Justice of California, is the policy-making body for the California court system. The Judicial Council’s Center for Families, Children & the Courts (CFCC) is responsible for administering trainings and developing policies to juvenile court stakeholders.
Experts with lived experience in the child welfare and juvenile justice system are vital partners in developing court trainings and policies as they are experts in the user experience. Lived experience is defined as a former or current foster youth, juvenile justice youth, and parents that are or were involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice system.
This request seeks a proposal from the experts in lived experience to provide their subject matter expertise in the development, and serve as faculty in the delivery, of at least four trainings for juvenile court stakeholders within the CFCC in year 1. It is anticipated that in years 2 and 3 of the contract, the Contractor will provide subject matter expertise in the development and serve as faculty in the delivery of at least six trainings each year. Contractor(s) will work with Judicial Council staff to develop training curriculum and learning objectives.
Questions should be directed to solicitations@jud.ca.gov and must be received no later than 1:00 PM Pacific Time, January 7, 2025.
Proposals must be received by the Judicial Council no later than 1:00 PM, Pacific Time, January 28, 2025.
Further details regarding the solicitation are set forth in the RFP No. CFCC-2024-02-TK and related documents provided below:
Request for Proposal
Attachment 1: Administrative Rules Governing RFPs (Non-IT Services)
Attachment 2: JCC Standard Terms and Conditions
Attachment 3: Proposer’s Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Attachment 4: General Certifications Form
Attachment 5: Darfur Contracting Act Certification
Attachment 6: Payee Data Record Form
Attachment 7: Payee Data Record Supplement
Attachment 8: Unruh and FEHA Certification
Attachment 9: DVBE Declaration
Attachment 10: Bidder Declaration
Attachment 11: Reference Form
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.