ID#RFI# BAP-2022-01-SB
You are invited to respond with information to assist the Judicial Council of California in identifying prospective vendors to provide a complete vehicle service program, including the lease and maintenance of vehicles for the Judicial Branch Entity. All submissions are due no later than the closing date of May 20, 2022, no later than 2:00 p.m. (PDT). All interested parties must submit an electronic version of the entire response marked “Response to RFI # BAP-2022-01-SB to be transmitted by email to the Judicial Council’s single Point of Contact (POC) the solicitations mailbox at solicitations@jud.ca.gov. The RFI number BAP-2022-01-SB must be included in the subject line of all communications.
All communication with the Judicial Council for this RFI must be in writing, include the RFI number, and must be directed to the Judicial Council’s single Point of Contact (POC) the solicitations mailbox at the following e-mail address: solicitations@jud.ca.gov.
Interested parties must not contact any other Judicial Council staff, court, or other judicial branch entity regarding this RFI except as provided above. Submissions should provide straightforward and concise responses to the requests for information set forth in this RFI.
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.