Judicial Council Finance Reports 2008 - 2015

Trial Court Improvement Fund Allocation: Emergency Funding Request for Fiscal Year 2011-2012

Law Enforcement
Cash Advances
Deficiency Funding
Homicide Case Extraordinary Cost Reimbursement
Administrative Office Of The Courts (aoc)
Judicial Council
Superior Court
Trial Court Trust Fund
Trial Court Improvement Fund

The Judicial Council of California requires courts to request cash advances or deficiency funding through a specific form (Attachment D). Requests for cash advances can be approved within 30 days, but require a waiver if needed earlier. Requests for one-time deficiencies or homicide case extraordinary cost reimbursement must be presented to the council and take place at their next scheduled meeting. Courts must provide a brief justification and supporting facts for their request, including information on their reserves and efforts to address the issue internally.

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