Judicial Council Finance Reports 2008 - 2015

Trial Court Allocations: Children’s Waiting Room Distribution

Judicial Council
Trial Court Financial Policies And Procedures
Uniform Filing Fee
Children's Waiting Room
Judicial Council Under Subdivision (a) Of Section 77206
Court Facilities Construction Fund
Equal Access Fund
Dispute Resolution
Law Library
Judges' Retirement Fund
Automated Record-keeping And Micrographics
State Court Facilities Construction Fund
Immediate & Critical Needs Account

The Judicial Council of California established a fund for children's waiting rooms, with distribution amounts ranging from $2 to $5 per filing fee. As of January 1, 2006, counties were required to transfer any existing Children's Waiting Room Fund to the court's operations fund. Courts can apply to the Judicial Council for an adjustment or new distribution from the fund. The data provided shows the total distributions made by county for the years FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, with amounts ranging from $27,018 in El Dorado County to $1,169,325 in Los Angeles County.

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