June 26-27 June 27, 2014


Judicial Branch
Trial Courts
Budget Requests
Budget Change Proposals (bcps)
Cost Increases
Workload Growth
New Policies
Judicial Council
Department Of Finance
Three-year Blueprint For A Fully Functioning Judicial Branch
Court Facilities
Court-appointed Dependency Counsel
Statutory Language
2% Trial Court Trust Fund (tctf) Reserve
State Trial Court Improvement And Modernization Fund

The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee (TCBAC) developed budget change proposals (BCPs) for FY 2015-2016. The BCPs aim to address cost increases, workload growth, and new policies/programs. The TCBAC identified the top priorities from the Chief Justice's Three-Year Blueprint, including trial court reinvestment, employee benefit/salary increases, technology, judgeships, and court facilities. Additional potential BCPs were also identified, such as changes to statutory language regarding the Trial Court Trust Fund reserve. The TCBAC recommends that the Judicial Council approve the preparation and submission of FY 2015-2016 BCPs for the trial courts in these areas.

PDF Budget