Public Input

April 6, 2009 Public Input Meeting
The Elkins Family Law Task Force held a one-day meeting to provide a special opportunity for family law litigants and advocates to address the task force April 6, 2009 at the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) in San Francisco. The task force heard directly from litigants and advocates about how to improve the processes for everyone involved in family law proceedings. Throughout its work, the task force has sought input from individuals and organizations with experience and interest in California's family courts, through focus groups, a survey of attorneys, and extensive opportunities for public input via the task force's website, letters, and phone calls. Public comment is also a regular part of in-person task force meetings.

Public Hearings on Draft Recommendations
We have received extensive written comments and in-person comments on the draft recommendations at the two task forceĀ public hearingsImage removed. in San Francisco (10/22/09) and in Los Angeles (10/27/09). These public hearings were well attended by the public. The task force will review and consider all of the input received in the public comment period.