Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Directors, Managers, and Supervisors Training Symposium
This training is designed for directors, managers and supervisors of court-connected family dispute resolution programs throughout the courts. Topics covered during this day long training will focus on Family Court Services leadership needs. Possible topics include: Business Process Reengineering in the Courts; Peer Supervision, Technical Assistance, and Mediation Skills Development; and Child Support Parenting Time Initiatives. Additionally, attendees will receive updates on the current status of relevant legislation, including the recent Supreme Court decision on Prop 8/DOMA, proposed rules of court, and research updates.
Dr. Katherine Andre, Director, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Lake
Mr. Bob Bayer, Manager, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Ventura
Ms. Nadine Blaschak-Brown, Senior Court Services Analyst, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Ms. Sarah Davis, Staff Attorney, Family Law Facilitator’s Office, Superior Court of California,
County of San Diego
Ms. Theresa DeCrescenzo, L.C.S.W., School of Social Work, California State University Northridge
Ms. Diane Goodman, Attorney at Law, Law & Mediation Office of Diane M. Goodman, APC
Ms. Cathy Harmon, Manager, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Orange
Mr. Rob Lafer, Chief Legal Counsel, San Diego County Department of Child Support
Ms. Carol Park, Director, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino
Ms. Lisa Creamer O’Donnell, Director, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Glenn
Mr. Jim Paulsen, Administrator, Family and Probate Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa
Ms. Nancy Taylor, Manager, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Ms. Kim Turner, Court Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County of Marin
Ms. Julia Weber, Supervising Attorney, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Mr. Michael Wright, Supervising Attorney, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Facilitators: Ms. L. Therese White, Employment Mediation Service & Organizational Conflict Consulting
Mr. Bill White, Employment Mediation Service & Organizational Conflict Consulting
Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Institute for New Court Professionals
This NCP training event will focus on mediation skills training. The training will provide 8 hours of education credit which will apply toward the 40 hours of initial education required pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 5.210, and/or 5.225, supplementing what the local trial courts provide as immediate orientation and training when the new staff person is hired.
Mr. Chuck Amital, MFT, Esq., Supervising Child Custody Recommending Counselor, Family Court Services, Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Ms. Stephanie Shadowens, MFT, Supervising Family Court Services Specialist, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles
Juvenile Dependency Law & Process
This course provides an overview of the dependency legal system. The course focuses on stakeholder roles, dependency law and process, and legally mandated timelines. This course meets the 8-hour requirement for attorneys seeking to accept court-appointed cases per CRC 5.660(d).
Hon. Patricia Bresee (Ret.), Consultant/Trainer/Retired Juvenile Court Commissioner
Ms. Nancy Aspaturian, Supervising Attorney and Training Director, Children’s Law Center of Los Angeles
Ms. Shannon Sullivan, Assistant County Counsel, County of Santa Cruz
Mr. John Passalacqua, Chief Executive Officer, Dependency Legal Services; Contributing Author, Seiser & Kumli on California Juvenile Courts, Practice and Procedure
Evidence Based Practices in Dependency Drug Courts
This workshop will consider recent studies on improving outcomes in dependency drug court. Special attention will be given to outcomes in the areas of family reunification, permanency, and child focused outcomes. The definitions, roles of professionals, and key components of successful courts will be discussed, as well as sustainability and funding.
Hon. Leonard P. Edwards (Ret.), Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara; Volunteer Mentor Judge, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Hon. Elizabeth K. Lee, Judge, Superior Court of California, Juvenile Court, County of San Mateo
Ms. Marcie Daniluke, Mentor Parent, Dependency Advocacy Center
Ms. Hilary Kushins, Drug Court and Training Programs Manager, Dependency Advocacy Center
Ms. Dana Martinez, CAS, Program Manager, Dependency Drug Court Coordinator, Bridges Inc., The STARS Program
Ms. Jennifer Pabustan-Claar, Regional Manager, Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, Adult Services Division-Policy & Administrative Support
Ms. Jane E. Pfeifer, MPA, Senior Program Associate, Children and Family Futures
Dr. Nancy K. Young, Director, Children and Family Futures
Taking a Family Systems Approach to Achieve Permanency in Juvenile Probation Placement Cases: Complying with Title IV-E and Division 31 – It takes A Village
Case planning requirements and concurrent planning objectives for probation youth in out of home placements and their families will be addressed in this 4-hour workshop, which will examine key directives of Title IV-E and Division 31 and their significance for counties claiming Title IV-E funding for these youth. A retired probation director (LA County), a recently adopted probation youth and his fos-adopt mother, a practicing probation placement officer, a judicial officer, and a former juvenile public defender who currently assists counties with Title IV-E compliance issues will address the practical and sometimes challenging aspects of case planning in probation placement cases. Participants will develop an understanding of why “reasonable efforts” extend to developing adequate case plans for families and children and why the provision of case plan services directly correlates with successfully reunifying probation placement youth with their families or otherwise achieving permanency for them as quickly as possible.
Hon. Juan Ulloa, Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Imperial
Ms. Lori Minor, Probation Program Manager, Merced County Probation
Ms. Laura Pedicini, Attorney, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Ms. Carol Ritchie (Ret.), Retired Director, Los Angeles County Probation; Trainer, UC Davis, Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice
Ms. Cheri Watkins, Fos-Adopt Mother
Stephen Colburn, Probation Foster Youth (Adoption Pending)
Juvenile Dependency Mediation Training Symposium
This training is designed for mediators and managers of juvenile dependency mediation programs and is also open to court administrators and other professionals interested in developing mediation programs in their counties. Topics covered during this day long training will focus on different aspects of juvenile dependency mediation programs, including systems issues and mediator skill development. This training is designed to be interactive with the goal of strategizing solutions to current challenges and improving mediator skills.
Mr. Yoshi Asanuma, M.A., Senior Juvenile Dependency Court Mediator, Superior Court of California, County of Fresno
Mr. David A. Cherniss, ADR Managing Attorney, Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Ms. Sylvia Deporto, Deputy Director, Family & Children’s Services, Human Services Agency of San Francisco
Ms. Jane Smithson, Trainer, Consultant, Attorney-at-Law, Jane C. Smithson, A Professional Corporation
Ms. Kristine Van Dorsten, Senior Court Services Analyst, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Ms. Samantha Watkins, Creative Mediator Programs Coordinator, County of San Luis Obispo
Mr. Michael Roosevelt, Senior Court Services Analyst, AOC, Criminal Justice Court Services Office, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Moderator)
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Special Topics in Juvenile Cases Part 1: The California Fostering Connections to Success Act: Updates to Extended Foster Care
This session will review the recent changes to the CA Fostering Connections to Success Act, as well as provide an overview of the 2014 Rules of Court and Forms. The session will also explore best practice tips, including a Q&A.
Ms. Lindsay Elliott, Fostering Connections Project Coordinator, Children’s Law Center of California
Ms. Marymichael Miatovich, Attorney, AOC, Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Ms. Angie Schwartz, Policy Director, Alliance for Children’s Rights
Special Topics in Juvenile Cases Part 2: California Mandated Child Abuse Reporting – The Basics and Updates
With the scandal at Penn State in the news over the last couple of years and its focus on the importance of reporting child abuse, and subsequent changes to the law in California this class will give participants basic instruction on California Mandated Reporting requirements, and the philosophy and background of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law (CANRA). In addition, there have been changes to the Child Abuse Central Index and procedures involving due process and recording of names on that list and these developments will be covered.
Hon. Patricia Bresee (Ret.), Consultant,Trainer, Retired Juvenile Court Commissioner, Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Ms. Jane Smithson, Trainer, Consultant, Attorney-at-Law, Jane C. Smithson, A Professional Corporation
Domestic Violence in Dependency Matters: Insights into Decision-Making
The workshop will outline recent research findings on how child welfare professionals screen for and assess the impact of domestic violence on children in California. The workshop will also analyze recent appellate court cases in which exposure to domestic violence was alleged as being harmful to a child, and current best practices for responding to these cases.
Hon. Katherine Lucero, Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara
Hon. Jacqueline L. Lewis, Commissioner, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles
Dr. Raelene Freitag, Director, Children’s Research Center at the National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Marijuana and Prescription Drug Use: Eliciting and Applying Addiction Assessment to Treatment Planning
With special emphasis on “medicinal marijuana” and prescription drug use, this workshop will assist participants with: 1) identifying the preponderance of evidence that addiction in whatever form is present; 2) learning how to elicit that information; 3) assessing for awareness, acceptance, and ownership of the disease; 4) using the Stage of Change Model to guide treatment planning interventions and requirements; and 5) determining parenting ability if children are involved. Faculty will role-model how to seek and elicit evidence that establishes that addiction is not just possible but is probable. Faculty will provide participants with worksheets that can assess for Stage of Change as evidenced by patient thought, affect, and behavior. Lastly, faculty will role-model how to use these worksheets in assessment and treatment planning.
Dr. Neva Chauppette, Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Consultant/Trainer, Woodland Hills California
Juvenile Drug Court Best Practices: Research Overview and Discussion
This workshop will consider recent studies on improving outcomes in treatment of juvenile substance as part of drug court. Special attention will be given to outcomes in the areas of education and truancy, recidivism, dating violence, teen pregnancy, and peer and family relationships. The definitions of evidence-based practices, roles of professionals, and key components of successful courts will be discussed, as well as sustainability and funding.
Hon. Donald Coleman, Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Ventura
Ms. Jo Ann Allen, County Office of Education, County of Santa Cruz
Dr. Shannon Carey, Executive Vice President of Research Expansion and Development, Northwest Professional Consortium Research
Ms. Deborah Cima, Collaborative Court Coordinator, County of San Bernardino
Mr. Mack Jenkins, Chief Probation Officer, County of San Diego
Dr. Frank Sanchez, Acting Director, Phoenix Houses, County of Los Angeles
Ms. Christine McDonald, Deputy Public Defender, County of Orange
Ms. Rani Singh, Assistant District Attorney, County of San Francisco