Frequently Asked Questions

Parole Revocation

FAQs specifically related to the new parole revocation procedures that will be effective July 1. 2013. These will no longer be administrative proceedings under the jurisdiction of the Board of Parole Hearings but will be adversarial judicial proceedings conducted in the superior courts.

Criminal Justice Realignment

An ad hoc steering committee including the chair of the Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee, the chair of the Court Executives Advisory Committee, and other subject matter experts, with the assistance of staff in the JCC’s Office of the General Counsel and the Office of Governmental Affairs, have prepared FAQs regarding the Criminal Justice Realignment Act (Updated: April 2014), which became operative October 1, 2011.

Note: These materials are for informational purposes only and the responses are not to be construed as legal opinion or advice. Questions and responses will be updated on a regular basis. Please check for most recent version.