New Redding Courthouse
Project Info
The New Redding Courthouse provides a 6-story (plus basement), 14-courtroom, 166,887 square foot building in the city of Redding. The project replaced court space existing in nonstate-owned facilities including the county-owned Main Courthouse/Courthouse Annex, Justice Center, and Juvenile Court facilities and the leased Justice Center Modular and Park Marina Drive facilities. It improved court operational efficiency, access to justice, and overall public service through consolidation. It relieved the current space shortfall, increased security, replaced the existing deficient court space in county-owned and leased facilities, and provided two courtrooms for growth in future new judgeships. The new courthouse was built on a 1.94-acre site in downtown Redding across the street from the former Main Courthouse/Courthouse Annex. The project utilized the Construction Manager at Risk delivery method. This new courthouse is a full-service courthouse hearing all case matters for court service to all residents of Shasta County.
Prior to completion of this capital project, the Superior Court of Shasta County’s court calendars and operations were not consolidated in a single building but located in the city of Redding in space made available in county-owned facilities and leased facilities. The court previously occupied space in various facilities including the county’s Main Courthouse/Courthouse Annex built in 1956 and 1965 respectively, which heard criminal (misdemeanors/trials/other matters), civil, family law, child support, probate, traffic, small claims, and unlawful detainer cases; in the county’s Justice Center building and in a leased Justice Center Modular built in 1985 and 2008 respectively adjacent to the main county jail, which heard criminal (felony arraignments/other matters), family law, juvenile dependency, and probate cases; in the Juvenile Court built in 1950 as part of the county’s juvenile hall, which heard juvenile justice cases; and in the leased Park Marina Drive facility, which housed the court’s collections division. Multiple court facilities created service and operational inefficiencies, and these facilities had undersized courtrooms, were overcrowded, and had spatial and various other deficiencies affecting security, accessibility, and building systems. The Main Courthouse/Courthouse Annex were also seismically deficient.
With the completion of the New Redding Courthouse, and to the benefit of all residents of Shasta County, the superior court has improved operational efficiency and access to justice through consolidated court calendars and operations in a modern facility. This new, state-owned facility will operate into the future as a full-service courthouse hearing all case matters for court service to all residents of Shasta County.
The New Redding Courthouse project site is located on Court Street in downtown Redding, between Butte and Yuba Streets and directly across from the former Main Courthouse/Courthouse Annex.
The Judicial Council complied with CEQA by filing a categorical exemption for this project's preferred site on December 15, 2010.