Award Recipients from 1993-2024
NOTE: Awards were not presented in 2020 or 2021
- Justice William Bedsworth
- Ms. Melissa Fowler-Bradley
- Judge Terry Friedman (Ret.)
- Justice Lee Smalley Edmon
- Justice Marsha G. Slough (Ret.)
- Judge Mark A. Juhas (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte (Ret.)
- Judge Joyce Hinrichs
- Ms. Sherri R. Carter
- Ms. Nancy Eberhardt
- Ms. Diane Cummins
- Judge Brenda Tillmon (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Hillary Chittick
- Justice Dennis Perluss
- Judge Carol Brosnahan (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Donna Quigley Groman
- Richard Feldstein
- Steve Binder
- Bet Tzedek
- Justice Jeffrey W. Johnson
- Judge Mark A. Juhas
- Snorri Ogata
- Judge Erica R. Yew
- Alan Carlson
- Judge Maria D. Hernandez
- Judge Julia Craig Kelety (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Robert Oyung
- Judge Colleen Toy White (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Manuel J. Covarrubias
- Judge Garry Ichikawa (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Edwin Power
- Justice Maria P. Rivera
- David Yamasaki
- Commissioner Sue Alexander (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Justice Tricia Ann Bigelow
- Justice Carol A. Corrigan
- Judge Michael Nash
- Ralph Shapiro
- Justice Mark B. Simons
- Mr. Curt Soderlund
- Bench-Bar Coalition, Open Courts Coalition, and State Bar of California
- Judge Becky L. Dugan
- Judge Laurie Earl
- Justice Laurence D. Kay (Ret.)
- Judge James R. Lambden (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge David M. Rothman (Ret.)
- Leon E. Panetta
- Kim Turner
- Mary Lavery Flynn
- Justice Richard D. Huffman
- Judge Wendy S. Lindley
- Judge Stephen V. Manley
- Captain Matthew Manoukian (posthumously)
- Jody Patel
- Judge Juan Ulloa (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Joseph W. Cotchett
- State Senator Noreen Evans
- Justice Brad R. Hill
- Justice Richard D. Huffman
- Michael Planet
- Justice Maria Rivera (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Justice Ronald B. Robie
- William C. Vickrey (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Curtis L. Child
- Assembly Member Mike Feuer
- Judge Arthur G. Scotland
- Senator Darrell S. Steinberg
- Justice Laurie Zelon (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Gordon Baranco (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Justice Ming W. Chin
- James P. Fox
- Stephen Nash
- Gary Windom
- Kenneth W. Babcock
- Judge J. Richard Couzens
- Judge Francisco F. Firmat (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Sharol Strickland
- Judge David S. Wesley
- Justice Paul Boland (posthumously)
- Justice Norman L. Epstein
- Justice Kathleen O'Leary (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Ken Torre
- Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
- Judge Richard D. Aldrich
- Senator Joe Dunn
- John M. Hancock
- Tressa Sloan Kentner
- Judge Donna M. Petre (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Patricia M. Yerian
- Judge Aviva K. Bobb (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Judge Frederick Paul Horn
- Justice Patricia Bamattre-Manoukian
- Judge Earl Johnson, Jr (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Jody Patel
- Karen M. Thorson
- Alba Witkin
- Justice Carol A. Corrigan
- Governor George Deukmejian (Ret.)
- Judge Leonard P. Edwards
- Christine M. Hansen
- James Herman
- Kenneth M. Kawaichi (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Jeanne Millsaps
- Justice James D. Ward
- Judge James Allen Bascue
- Tamara Lynn Beard
- Jay Folberg
- Judge Lois Haight
- Judge Donna J. Hitchens (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Ray LeBov
- Judge Charles W. Campbell, Jr. (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- William A. Fenwick
- Justice Daniel J. Kremer
- Michael M. Roddy
- Andrew Guilford
- Stephen V. Love
- Justice Judith D. McConnell
- Judge Veronica S. McBeth (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Christine Patton
- Judge James A. Ardaiz
- Judge Elwood Lui (Ret.)
- Frederick "Fritz" Ohlrich
- Justice Kathleen E. O'Leary
- Justice Judith D. McConnell (Aranda Access to Justice Award)
- Kiri S. Torre
- Judge John A. Flaherty (Ret.)
- J. Clark Kelso
- Susan Null
- William C. Vickrey
- Judge Steven E. Jahr
- Alan Slater
- Governor Pete Wilson
- Assembly Member Phillip Isenberg
- Judge Robert M. Mallano
- Ronald G. Overholt
- Sheila Calabro
- Larry L. Sipes
- Judge Roger K. Warren
- Margaret Morrow
- Diane Nunn
- Alan Post
- Arthur Sims
- Judge Roy L. Wonder
- Richard Chernick
- Justice Walter Croskey
- Edward M. Kritzman
- Judge Patrick J. Morris