California Rules of Court(Revised January 1, 2024) |
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- TITLE 1. Rules Applicable to All Courts
- Chapter 1. Preliminary Rules
- Rule 1.1. The California Rules of Court
- Rule 1.2. Title
- Rule 1.3. Authority
- Rule 1.4. Contents of the rules
- Rule 1.5. Construction of rules and standards
- Rule 1.6. Definitions and use of terms
- Chapter 2. Timing and Holidays
- Rule 1.10. Time for actions
- Rule 1.11. Holiday falling on a Saturday or Sunday
- Chapter 3. Service and Filing
- Rule 1.20. Effective Date of Filing
- Rule 1.21. Service
- Rule 1.22. Recycled paper [Repealed]
- Chapter 4. Judicial Council Forms
- Rule 1.30. Judicial Council forms
- Rule 1.31. Mandatory forms
- Rule 1.35. Optional forms
- Rule 1.37. Use of forms
- Rule 1.40. Statutory references on forms
- Rule 1.41. Proofs of service on forms
- Rule 1.42. Forms not to be rejected
- Rule 1.43. Legibility
- Rule 1.44. Electronically produced forms
- Rule 1.45. Judicial Council pleading forms
- Rule 1.51. California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) information form
- Chapter 5. Accommodations
- Rule 1.100. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities
- Chapter 6. Public Access to Court Proceedings
- Rule 1.150. Photographing, recording, and broadcasting in court
- Chapter 7. Form and Format of Papers
- Rule 1.200. Format of citations
- Rule 1.201. Protection of privacy
- Chapter 8. Language Access Services
- Rule 1.300. Access to programs, services, and professionals